
Semantics for Food, Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition

Semantics 2018, 11th September 2018, Vienna, Austria

Shared use cases, research, tutorials, seminars and projects for semantics in Food Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition

By 2050 planet earth will have a population of 9 billion people and they all need feeding:

Connecting food and agricultural systems is challenging; This workshop is aimed at the growing population of data practitioners and digital experts that are transforming world agricultural and food practices by applying data science and digital tools. It is an opportunity to highlight and discover the work that is being carried out around the world, through the application of semantics and linked data to meet these and other challenges. This half-day workshop highlights use cases, studies and projects which show the application of semantic technologies in Food, Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition.

Location - TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27-29, Vienna, Austria

13:30 Welcome and Introduction to Semantics for Food, Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition, Derek Scuffell, Syngenta

13:35 PO2_VocabularyManager - A Collaborative Tool to Assist Users in Building a PO2 Domain Ontology Linked with Existing Resources: Stéphane Dervaux, Juliette Dibie and Liliana Ibanescu, AgroParisTech, INRA, France

14:15 OWL can't add up: Reasoning within numerically based environmental classification schemes: Samantha Kanza, Nicholas Gibbins and Jeremy Frey, University of Southampton, Hugo Mills, Syngenta.

15:00 Break

15:35 Industry Case Study: Agile ontology modelling in Agri-Food: Richard Tiffin, Agrimetrics, UKand Silver Oliver, Data Language, UK

16:15: Industry Case Study: Model driven data discovery to support health and nutrition: Hans Constadt, Ontoforce, Belgium

17:00 Wrap up , Clement Jonquet, University of Montpellier