Basic Description

The average Northern Valley -Sek is about 5'' tall and 100 lbs. they come in a variety of colours ranging from pure white to mottled patterns of brown, rust red, blue and pale pinks.

They tend towards thin builds, hey have relatively long necks with a tuft of fur covering the front, hands and feet both have two opposable digits. they have a long thick tail ending in a tuft of fur

Sexual dimorphism

Female Sek are on average 15% larger than males, often lack true horns have a higher chance of having developed secondary eyes and developed quills.

They are an egg laying species. roughly every 80 days (Earth days, 41 Terekian days) they will lay an egg regardless of fertilization. in cases where the egg is not fertilized the egg is usually eaten by the mother in order to save calories and water. Female sek often have 4-6 teats with only the upper two being fully developed unless feeding young - the gestation of an egg typically takes an additional three months. 

Male Sek tend to have smaller quills, often have larger horns, and tend to be smaller. Their sexual organs are internal unless aroused.

Base notes on NV Sek

Items of note 

Of sentient Sekian races the Northern Valley Sek are the only modern sek to birth Sur'ri