Sina Maz'an Ve'Rek

Born , or created depending on your views 365,000 years ago, Self-clamed consciousnesses for 227,861 years. her initial form was an AI self-improving robot who's mind was based heavily on the failed AI of our third ship - The INSD-C's governing AI. over time She improves herself and eventually reaches sentience. her first question indicating this was "Where did Sina come from?" the conversation following that earned her the name "Sina" Which refers to an old tale in Sek culture. the lost city buried in the hills with flowing water, teeming with life. Over time she improves eventually coming to the form of a collective sentient "grey goo" with her mind existing away from her body. soon after she took this form several of the crew took issue, making free-thinking, free willed AI was unacceptable. sometime after the tensions began Yari and Sina were confronted by A'los. She demanded that Sina be "killed" - the word she used indicated her thoughts about Sina. the demand is put to vote, Sina's utility is greater than the risk she poses this far on.