Selected Presentations: RES PhD Conference 2024 (Southampton, UK), Social Policy Workshop BiB 2024 (Wiesbaden, Germany), RSEP Conference 2024 (Madrid, Spain), Goethe University Brownbag Seminar 2024 (Frankfurt, Germany), Deutsche Bundesbank Summer School 2024 (Eltville, Germany), 1st Bonn-Frankfurt-Mannheim PhD Conference 2023 (Bonn, Germany)
Abstract: Who thrives when alimony payments change? Restrictions on spousal alimony influence intra-family economic decisions by altering bargaining positions and raising concerns about post-divorce financial instability. Existing findings are contradictory and lack clarity on the differential impact across heterogeneous households. This paper explores behavioural adaptations in labour supply and savings decisions of married partners in response to amendments in alimony reform in Germany. Using a difference-in-difference framework and longitudinal and retrospective dataset, I show that policy led to increased labour market participation of married women. However, behavioural responses vary significantly depending on the age cohort, family composition, duration of relationship, and income levels.
Revise & Resubmit: European Economic Review
ECB Working Paper: Going NUTS: The regional impact of extreme climate events over medium term
with Miles Parker (ECB) and Guzmán González-Torres (ECB)
ECB Working Paper: Going NUTS: The regional impact of extreme climate events over medium term
with Miles Parker (ECB) and Guzmán González-Torres (ECB)
Selected Presentations: 2nd International Conference on Climate-Macro-Finance Interface 2025 ( Bayes Business School, London), ESCB Research Cluster Climate Change 2024 (Frankfurt, Germany), SEED at Uniurb 2024 (Urbino, Italy), European Central Bank Internal Seminar (Frankfurt, Germany), 2nd Bonn-Frankfurt-Mannheim PhD Conference 2024 (Bonn, Germany)
Abstract: The projected increase in extreme climate events in the coming decades is likely to exacerbate the existing productivity and demographic challenges facing Europe. We study the dynamic, medium-run macroeconomic effects of heatwaves, droughts and floods in 1160 EU regions through the lens of a local projections, difference in difference framework. Summer heatwaves and droughts lower medium-term output, but the impact from floods depends on regional income levels. High-income regions witness reconstruction activity, less wealthy regions do not. We find evidence of population decline in affected regions as well as adaptation spending post-event, which lowers regional productivity.
Working Paper: Dynamics of life course family transitions in Germany: Exploring patterns, process and relationships
with Prof. Raimond Maurer (Goethe University Frankfurt)
with Prof. Raimond Maurer (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Abstract: This paper explores the dynamics of family transitions using discrete-time event history analysis based on German Socioeconomic Panel data. We aim to predict the likelihood of key life events among diverse individuals based on their observed characteristics. We find that higher educational attainment, better income level, and marriage emerge as salient protective factors mitigating the risk of mortality; better education delays early marriage, whereas lower educational attainment, protracted relationships, and the presence of children act as protective factors against divorce. Our key finding shows that the disparity in mean life expectancy between individuals from low-income and high-income brackets is 9 years among males and 6 years among females, thereby illustrating the mortality inequality attributed to income disparities. Our estimates show that compared to East Germans, the West Germans have a lower risk of mortality, lesser likelihood of early first marriage, higher risk of divorce and higher probability of remarriage
Work-in-Progress: Economic well-being of children: The influence of intrahousehold bargaining power distribution
with Prof. Zainab Iftikhar (University of Bonn)
with Prof. Zainab Iftikhar (University of Bonn)
Work-in-Progress: Impact of extreme climate events on the productivity of European firms
with Miles Parker (ECB) and Guzmán González-Torres (ECB)
with Miles Parker (ECB) and Guzmán González-Torres (ECB)
Work-in-Progress: Wealth mobility over the lifecycle
with Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz (Deutsche Bundesbank Research Center)
with Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz (Deutsche Bundesbank Research Center)