Solar Eclipse Group

Investigating the  effect of Solar Eclipse Event using GLOBE Protocols, ArcGIS Online Mapping and Multispectral Satellite Imagery Analysis

The Mission of the SEES - Solar Eclipse Group

The purpose of this group is to enable participants to do the following: 1. Learn about the Solar Eclipse Events (SEE); 2. Investigate the impact of SEE in their local environments by collecting air temperature, surface temperature and clouds data by employing standardized GLOBE sampling protocols; 3. Map and analyze their data in ArcGIS Online; and 4. Utilize Google Earth Engine to analyze thermal satellite imagery. The intent is to provide a set of tools to the users, who will then work together to develop their own ideas for research into the effect of Solar Eclipse on their local environment.

Introduction to the Solar Eclipse Event and the current state of research into its causes, implications, and potential mitigation efforts.

Complete E-training and learn to use GLOBE Protocols to collect data from your local environment. Utilize the GLOBE Visualization System to view your data.

Learn to utilize the free Google Earth Engine and Coding to explore satellite imagery.

Complete online tutorials and learn how to use ArcGIS Online to create maps of GLOBE and other data.

Part 5 - Research Projects

Propose and work on research projects pertaining to the UHIE and using the skills learned above.

Tell the story of your collaborative research project in storymap format using ArcGIS Online! 

 Further Resources


Contact for assistance.