SEED 2021

4th Software Engineering EDucation workshop

Emerging Needs of Software Engineering Education

In conjunction with Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2021)

Thanks to all the participants for presenting their papers.

Watch this space for information on the proceedings publications and other news related to SEED!


This workshop focuses on methods and challenges for teaching and engaging with software engineering concepts, knowledge, and practices to meet the recent increased demand of software engineers. As we emerge from the Covid-19, the demand for skilled manpower has increased with software engineering as top or near top employer required skills. This presents an interesting challenge to the teaching of software engineers who may come from very diverse backgrounds. Such as our traditional graduate and undergraduate students, professionals, reskill adult learners, part-time learners, multi-disciplinary learners, millennials and generation Z, etc. This also presents an opportune time to access how we encourage diversity of our learners; women, minority, social-economic background, etc. Our theme is on “How can software engineering teaching meet the increasing demand for software engineering skills with student coming from diverse background, experience and needs”

This workshop provides a unique forum to bring together researchers, educators, students, trainers, and practitioners to report on their experiences and their ongoing efforts in meeting the recent increased demand of Software Engineering. It is designed to provide a unique opportunity to exchange thoughts and form valuable collaborations spanning research, education/training, and industrial practice.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational research on software engineering

  • Strategies for curriculum and assessment design in the evolving SE

  • Evaluations of teaching and assessment methods in software engineering

  • Empirical studies describing software engineering education contexts

  • Educational technologies and tools that support software engineering education

  • Use of online sources for software engineering education

  • Paradigms and experiments for making a transition to SE remote learning

  • Case studies or empirical data with lessons learnt or practical guidelines for SE teaching

  • Evaluation of software engineering skills

  • Role of soft skills (communication, collaboration, teamwork, organization, negotiation, conflict management) for software engineers

  • Extra-curricular training of software engineering students (e.g., through hackathons, bootcamps, interview clinics)

  • Studies of equity, diversity, and inclusion in software engineering education and training

  • Inducting and on-the-job training of software engineers

  • Continuing education of software engineers

  • Certification of software engineers

  • Teaching software engineering skills to multi-disciplinary students

Target Audience

This workshop is open to anyone interested (i.e., not restricted to authors/co-authors). This includes but is not limited to:

  • Educators running course and capstone projects with a focus on sustainable and highly transferable competences,

  • Educators, who strive to provide their students with a thinking framework paving the way for their long-lasting SE career,

  • Educators, who feel that providing just one SE method, agile or traditional, might not meet students’ future requirements,

  • Course and curriculum designers in search of approaches for integrating activities that are otherwise rather superficially connected,

  • Tool creators and practices publishers offering supportive material

  • Continuous education trainers of software engineering

  • Industry practitioners, Project managers who engage with interns and software engineers

  • Students interested in software engineering education

Important Dates

  • Workshop paper submissions due: September 15, 2021 AOE. (Extended October 1, 2021) Closed

  • Notification to workshop paper authors: October 15, 2021 AOE. (Extended October 22, 2021) Completed

  • Camera Ready deadline: November 1, 2021 AOE. (Extended November 15, 2021) Completed

  • Workshop: December 6, 2021 (Please refer to workshop schedule below) Completed

  • Publication: December 31, 2021 ( Completed

Paper selection criteria and mechanism

Interested authors should submit papers via easychair SEED2021 (submission closed)

The paper format must follow the IEEE template of A4 size in PDF format and not exceed 6 pages (including figures, references and appendices). Submitted papers will be reviewed by the dedicated program committee members with respect to the overall quality including presentation, future impact of the research and the likely benefit to the students, academics and professionals who will attend the workshop. The workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR-WS (2020), which is usually indexed by DBLP the world's most comprehensive open bibliographic Computer Science Bibliography, and then by SCOPUS. The Chairs reserve the right to reject submissions (without reviews) that are not in compliance or out of scope for the workshop submissions, detected with plagiarism and exceed the page limit.

Authors of accepted papers have to register for the workshop.

Workshop Schedule (6 Dec 2021, 9:00AM-12noon Taiwan Time GMT+8)

Zoom Meeting

9am – 9.30am Registration

9:30am – 9.40am Welcome message

9:40am – 10:25am Session 1

9:40am – 9:55am (Paper 1) Introducing Software System Course to Engineering Undergraduate Students - An Experience Report by Karre Sai Anirudh, Abhinav Gupta, S Lalit Mohan and Y Raghu Reddy

9:55am – 10:10am (Paper 2) Mining and Detecting Bugs in Introductory Programs by Wenchu Xu and Yanran Ma

10:10am – 10:25am (Paper 3) Teaching Software Engineering Virtually during COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Lessons Learned by Shahida Sulaiman


10:40am – 11:10am Session 2

10:40am – 10:55am (Paper 4) The Perceived Effects of Introducing Coaching on the Development of Student's Soft Skills Managing Software Quality by Azeem Ahmad, Kristian Sandahl and Aseel Barglund

10:55am – 11:10am (Paper 5) Applying Software Engineering to Teach Online Project-Based Software Engineering Courses by Duc Minh Le

11:10am-12noon Workshop

Workshop organizing committee

  • Dr. Benjamin Gan, Singapore Management University, Singapore

  • Dr. Eng Lieh Ouh, Singapore Management University, Singapore

  • Dr. Bimlesh Wadhwa, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Dr. Shailey Chawla, James Cook University, Singapore

Workshop reviewers

  • Dr. Swarnalatha ASHOK, Singapore Management University, Singapore

  • Dr. Gillian Dobbie, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

  • Dr. Kuldeep Kumar, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India

  • Dr. Benjamin Gan, Singapore Management University, Singapore

  • Dr. Eng Lieh Ouh, Singapore Management University, Singapore

  • Dr. Bimlesh Wadhwa, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Dr. Shailey Chawla, James Cook University, Singapore

For any queries related to SEED Workshop, email