Day 1- Lists Example- Click on the box in the right hand arrow. It will take you to the Google Doc where you can add your responses.

Writing Lists

Day 2- Heart Map Example- Also See Screencast for Video Instructions

Heart Map Template and Example

Day 3- Write About Your Name: Why is your name, your name? Do you like your name? How did you get your name? Would you ever change your name?

Your Name is a Song Read Aloud Video

Day 4- Talk About Your Writing: Read it aloud during a break-out session in Google Meets. Ask your partner the same questions from Day 3.

Day 5- Add More to Your Writing: Check that your writing includes answers to at least 2 of Miss Topping's questions. If you have answered at least 2, go back and answer 1 or 2 more.

*Challenge: Using this link, type your writing on Google Docs and share with Miss Topping*

Challenge: Writing Google Docs