
Thanks to our Sponsors

Sponsorship funds are crucial to the workshop, as they are used to support student awards and to subsidize the cost of Workshop coffee breaks and banquet.  

If you are interested in sponsoring this conference, please contact:

Prof. Zhifeng Ding zfding@uwo.ca or 

Prof. Joaquin Rodriguez Lopez joaquinr@illinois.edu 

Reasons to sponsor:

1- For 25 years, we continue to provide a platform for new science and discovery within the SECM community, including developments within industry.  

2- We offer product displays during daily poster sessions enabling good contact with your potential clients.

3-  The meeting is attended not only by scientists from Canada, but also from the United States, Asia and Europe.  

4- More than half of our attendees are principal investigators tha act as  budgetary decision makers.

The scientific program for this meeting will include the following:  


- Instrumentation Development  

- Energy Materials  

- Biological Applications  

- Metal Degradation and Corrosion   

- Simulations 

- Fundamentals and Electrochemical reactions