

Nadie hubiera imaginado algo así. La realidad supera a la ficción. El ser humano se adapta, aunque le cueste. Y así nos hemos adaptado nosotros.

En esta sección iré subiendo proyectos, redacciones, trabajos, fotos, enlaces, incluso canciones, todo ello que me han ido enviando los alumnos durante nuestra estancia en casa en este tercer trimestre. Thanks a lot for sending your proyects!

Incluiré también enlaces, canciones y demás material interesante relacionado con el idioma que tanto nos gusta estudiar y que tanto nos puede dar durante este período extraordinario de clase. Es curioso que justo me despedía en un artículo (ver sección de la Coordinación) a finales de abril-principios de marzo con una frase de Little Women que, curiosamente, ahora cobra más sentido:

I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.

We can do it!

It's My Life is a famous song by Bon Jovi, now it has come to life in a different way...from home!

(Recuerda que puedes activar los subtítulos en la ruedita de abajo a la derecha en el vídeo)

The Good Doctor

Would you like to be treated in a hospital by a doctor who was a genius?

Whit excellent visual memory, who could think theories that no other doctor could.

Surely your ansewer has been that yes, but if I tell you now that this doctor has autism, would you change your answer?

Well this is Shaun Murphy, a boy with autism but whit savant síndrome.

When he was Little he only wanted his brother and his rabbit, but they died and he decided to be a doctor to be a doctor to sabe lives.

He met Dr.Glassman and he lives with this men and the Dr.Glasman help him to get a job in the St.Bonaventure Hospital in San Jose. In this job he has some partenrs like Dr.Melendez, Dr.Browne, Dr.Kalu….

Shaun will fight to have a life and be independent.

I think that you must watch this series because it makes us not judge people before we meet them.

Sofía Hidalgo Gómez 1ºC

It was originally a song to show his joy for living just one more day....then it turned into the official song of the Berlin Wall Fall. Who could imagine us separated from friends and family who live just two streets away...........

Enjoy this little golden piece of Art!


Many people agree that the scientist and chemist Alice Ball, is one of the main figures in United States. During her career, she discovered some new treatment against diseases.

Alice Ball was born in 1892 in Seattle, USA. Growing up within a normal and comfortable family, her childhood was a little sad because her dad died when she was just a child.

At the age of 18, she started to study Chemistry at Washington University.

Four years later, when she finished the degree,she published an article in a very important scientific publication called Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Then, she obtained a scholarship to study a master in Hawaii, where she decided to move.

In 1915, Alice was the first women who had achieved a master at Hawaii University.

Alice Ball´s brilliant brain and the lots of investigations she did, like the discovery of a treatment against leprosy could demonstrate her love and passion for Science.

She unfortunately died in 1916 due to a disease that she got while investigating.

Fátima Gómez León 1ºN

And, what about our sense of humour..?? The way we overcome many situations in our life using it....

My students know I love irony, it's something you just can't avoid....

Aren´t we living really ironic situations these days..? Here you can enjoy one of the basic songs from de 90's.

(Recuerda que puedes activar los subtítulos en la ruedita de abajo a la derecha en el vídeo)