
Research Interests

My research interests lie in the application of probability theory to problems originating from statistical physics. Here are some topics I am/have been working on:


Research Articles

[15] Fixed-magnetization Ising model with a slowly varying magnetic field

joint with Y. Aoun, and Y. Velenik, arXiv

[14] Low temperature asymptotic expansion for classical O(N) vector models

joint with A. Giuliani, arXiv

[13] On the two-point function of the Potts model in the saturation regime

joint with Y. Aoun, and Y. Velenik, Comm. Math. Phys. (2022), arXiv

[12] Ornstein-Zernike behavior for Ising models with infinite-range interactions 

joint with Y. Aoun, and Y. Velenik, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 60, 167-207 (2024), arXiv

[11] Failure of Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics for the pair correlation function at high temperature and small density

joint with Y. Aoun, D. Ioffe, and Y. Velenik, Physical Review E 103, L050104 (2021), arXiv

[10] Delocalisation and absolute-value-FKG in the solid-on-solid model

joint with P. Lammers, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2023),  arXiv

[9] Critical prewetting in the 2d Ising model

joint with D. Ioffe, S. Shlosman, and Y. Velenik, Annals of Probability 50, 1127-1172 (2022), arXiv

[8] Non-analyticity of the correlation length in systems with exponentially decaying interactions

joint with Y. Aoun, D. Ioffe, and Y. Velenik, Commun. Math. Phys. 386, 433-467 (2021), arXiv

[7] Existence and properties of connections decay rate for high temperature percolation models

Electron. J. Probab. 27, 1-19 (2022), arXiv

[6] Weak mixing and analyticity in Random Cluster and low temperature Ising models


[5] Invariance principle for a Potts interface along a wall

joint with D. Ioffe, Y. Velenik and V. Wachtel, J. Stat. Phys. 180, 832-861 (2020) (special issue celebrating Joel Lebowitz' 90th birthday), arXiv

[4] Weak Mixing and Analyticity of the Pressure in the Ising Model

Commun. Math. Phys. 377, 675–696 (2020), arXiv

[3] Sharp Asymptotics for the Truncated Two-Point Function of the Ising Model with a Positive Field

Commun. Math. Phys. 374, 1361–1387 (2020), arXiv

[2] Asymptotics of Even-Even Correlations in the Ising Model

joint with Y. Velenik, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 175, 309-340 (2019), arXiv

[1] Potts Models with a Defect Line

joint with Y. Velenik, Commun. Math. Phys. 362, 55-106 (2018), arXiv

Review/expository articles

[2] A note on the renormalization group approach to the Central Limit Theorem


[1] Asymptotics of correlations in the Ising model: a brief survey 

joint with Y. Velenik, Panoramas et Synthèses 59, 157-184 (2023) , arXiv

You can also find all my publications on arXiv, and my Ph.D. thesis is available here.

ORCID, and Google scholar profiles.
