The Case for Dual Language Education

1. Bilingual/Dual Language Education

Video produced for decision makers and the public about the benefits and research behind bilingual and dual language education. (9 minutes)


2. Bilingual/Dual Language Education - Families

Video produced for Spanish speaking families about the benefits and research behind bilingual and dual language education. (11 minutes/Spanish with English subtitles)


3. Bilingualism: Through the Eyes of a Student

Short video produced about the benefits of bilingual and dual language education through the eyes of students. (2:51 minutes with Spanish subtitles)


4. Bilingualism: Through the Eyes of Families

Short video produced about the benefits of bilingual and dual language education through the eyes of Spanish speaking families. (3 minutes with Spanish subtitles)


5. Bilingualism: An Educators’ Perspective

Short video produced for the public about the benefits of bilingual and dual language education through the perspective of educators. (3 minutes with Spanish subtitles)


6. SEAL Call to Action

Short video produced about the importance of dual language education in California’s new era. (3 minutes with Spanish subtitles)
