SEA Workshop

Language Contact and Historical Relationships of Languages in Southeast Asia


During COVID, the Institute of Linguistics at National Tsing Hua University hosted an online conference on Historical Relationships of East and Southeast Asian Languages (HRESAL 2022) (via GoogleMeet) on September 3-4, 2022. The online conference was very successful; however, participants hoped that there would be an opportunity for scholars to meet in person to discuss issues related to historical relationships of languages in East and Southeast Asia.

As the host institute of SEALS 33, the Institute of Linguistics at National Tsing Hua University has decided to host a post-SEALS 33 Workshop on Southeast Asian Linguistics (or HRESAL 2): Language Contact and Historical Relationships of Languages in Southeast Asia in our home institution on June 18, 2024. We hope that hosting SEALS 33 and the post-conference SEA Workshop can enhance scholarly exchange and collaboration between scholars and academic institutions in Taiwan with scholars and academic institutions from other countries. 

Online Registration 線上報名:

Period 1: SEALS 33 participants only: May 11 - May 20, 2024 

Period 2: General public: May 21 - when the total number of registrants reaches '80 people' (or June 10, 2024)

Registration fee 報名費: None 免報名費

***Onsite registration is NOT available! 不開放現場報名!***

Date 日期: 

June 18, 2024 (Tuesday) [Taiwan time (GMT +8)]

Venue 場地: 

國立清華大學人文社會學院 A202 人文講堂(僅限實體參與)
Humanities Lecture Hall (A202), College of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu City, Taiwan [in-person only]

No.101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300044 [Google Map]

Registration (limit) 人數限制

Conference language 會議語言:

Conference chair 會議主席: 

Speakers 者:

Program 議程:

10:00-10:30 Registration

10:30-10:40 Opening

[Morning Session] Chair: TBA

10:40-11:40 Dr. Pittayawat Pittayaporn (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Tones in Khorat Dialects from Contact Perspectives

11:40-12:40 Dr. Paul Sidwell (University of Sydney, Australia)
Austroasiatic Geography, Classification and Dispersal:
The Coastal/Maritime Model and Implications for Language Contact in Prehistory


12:40-14:00 Lunch


[Afternoon Session] Chair: TBA

14:00-15:00 Historical Linguistics Research Group at NTHU (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) (led by Dr. Hsiu-chuan Liao)
Language Contact in Taiwan and its Implications for PAn Reconstruction

15:00-16:00 Dr. Mark Alves (Montgomery College, USA)
An Updated Overview of Chinese Loanwords among Languages of Mainland Southeast Asia

16:00-16:20 General Discussion and Closing
- Dr. Mark Alves, Dr. Paul Sidwell, Dr. Pittayawat Pittayaporn, and Dr. Hsiu-chuan Liao

Organizer 主辦單位:
Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), TAIWAN

Co-organizer 協辦單位:
Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS)
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, NTHU
Center for Sustainable Development of Linguistic Diversity in Taiwan (SDLD), NTHU