Completed Projects

Audouin's seagull as an instrument for the improvement of RAMPE management in the Spanish Levantine coast

Funded by Fundación Biodiversidad from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographical Challenge

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2020 - 2021

Objetive: improve the management of RAMPE and fishing activities, by studying the distribution of the Audouin's gull and its interactions with fisheries

    1. Determine the overlap of the distribution of Audouin's gull with the RAMPE.

    2. Characterize the interactions between seagulls and fishing vessels inside and outside RAMPE.

    3. Determine differential sensitivity to interactions and bycatch in relation to the age of seagulls.

    4. Enhance the current RAMPE for the conservation of marine biodiversity in general and of seabirds in particular.

Seabirds as an instrument for the improvement of fisheries and aquaculture management in the context of a sustainable RAMPE

Funded by Programa Pleamar, Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2019 - 2020

Objective: RAMPE evaluation to improve fisheries and aquaculture management and conservation of pelagic and coastal birds in the Canary Islands and Spanish Levantine Coast.

    1. Identify the main feeding areas of seabirds in the Canary Islands and the Spanish Levantine Coast.

    2. Analyze spatial consistency over the years and assess the possible suitability of a dynamic approach in the definition of RAMPE.

    3. Determine the type and degree of interaction of seabirds with fish farms and the fishing fleet in the Canary Islands and the Spanish Levantine Coast.

    4. Management proposals that improve the suitability of RAMPE as a conservation tool for pelagic and coastal birds in the Canary Islands and the Spanish Levantine Coast.

    5. Enhancement of RAMPE between fishermen and fish farmers.

Conservation genomics applied to the balearic shearwater

Funded by Fundación BBVA

PI. Marta Riutort

2018 - 2020

Seabirds as a tool for a dynamic managment of protected areas and fisheries

Funded by National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society. Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2017 - 2019

Spanish Marine Debris Network

Funded by Actions of Networks of Excellence, Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad

PI. Miquel Canals Artigas

2017 - 2019

Alcyon Programme – Promoting the conservation of seabirds in Cape Verde

Funded by MAVA Foundation and Coordinated by BirdLife International

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2017 - 2019

Objective: Improve the knowledge and promote the conservation of Cape Verde seabirds.

  1. Identify the main breeding areas for Cape Verde seabirds.

  2. Monitoring the phenology and reproductive success of Cape Verde seabirds.

  3. Identify and control the main threats both in the breeding areas and in the sea.

  4. Determine the size and population trend of the different species of seabirds.

  5. Knowing the foraging strategies and identify the most important feeding areas for seabirds during the breeding season.

  6. Knowing the migration and the areas used outside the reproductive period.

  7. Determination of the trophic ecology of each species through the analysis of regurgitated and stable isotopes and genetic analysis.

  8. Training of biologists, protected area technicians and NGOs in research and monitoring techniques.

  9. Raise awareness of the Cape Verdean population for the conservation of seabirds.

  10. Preparation of an action and management plan for each seabird species of Cape Verde.

Evaluating the Spanish Marine Protected Areas Network (RAMPE) for the conservation of seabirds in the Spanish Levantine area

Funded by Programa Pleamar, Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2017 - 2018

Objectives: A global analysis of the spatial overlap between seabirds, their marine habitat, their interactions with fishing vessels, and the fishing activities of each fleet, along the Spanish east coast in general, and very particularly with the current RAMPE.

    1. Identify the main feeding areas of seabirds in the Spanish Levantine coast and their spatial consistency over the years.

    2. Characterize the habitat of pelagic birds, and explore the suitability of specific environmental variables as early predictors of their distribution.

    3. To determine the type and degree of interaction between pelagic birds and the fishing fleet of the Spanish Levantine coast, and to identify the factors that modulate.

    4. Enhancement of RAMPE and management proposals that improve the suitability of the network as a conservation tool for pelagic birds.


  1. The results show that the movements of birds can change remarkably throughout the different phases of the period reproductive. This implies that the exposure of birds to different threats.

  2. The bathymetry and the distance to the breeding colony are the most influential variables when defining the feeding areas of these species.

  3. The trawl fleet overlap was relevant for most species which requires a high degree of utilization of fishing discards by all these birds. Also, the high degree of overlap between the surface longline fleet and Calonectris borealis and C. diomedea, mainly due to the associated risk of accidental capture.

  4. The high degree of overlap between these birds, certain fisheries and the current RAMPE has been verified. Specific areas have also been evidenced that are not currently included in the RAMPE.

Sentinels of the sea: remote monitoring of seabirds applied to the adaptive management of the National Parks network

Funded by National Parks Autonomus Agency, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2015 - 2018

Season interactions and carry-over effects in seabirds

Funded by National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2014 - 2016

Reduction of the accidental catches of seabirds in the artisanal longlines of the Spanish Levantine area: mitigation measures implementation

Funded by Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2014 - 2015

Reduction of the accidental catches of seabirds in the South Spanish Levantine area: testing and adaptation of mitigation measures

Funded by Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís


Test of mitigation measures for the reduction of accidental catches of seabirds in the Mediterranean demersal longliners

Funded by Agreement for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2013 - 2014

Seasonal interactions in migratory seabirds: influence of carryover effects on fitness

Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, Research Executive Agency, European Commission

PI. Raül Ramos

2013 - 2017

The reduction of accidental catches of seabirds in the artisanal longlines of the Spanish Levantine area; background mitigation measures trials

Funded by Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2013 - 2014

The reduction of accidental catches of seabirds in the artisanal longlines of the Spanish Levantine area

Funded by Fundación Biodiversidad

PI. Jacob González-Solís

2012 - 2013

Pelagic ecology and migratory strategies of seabirds in the Atlantic

Funded by National Program of Biodiversity, Natural Science and Global Change (Biodiversity). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

PI. Jacob González-Solís
