SDO-X Osu! Project
Remake your childhood memories on another game engine
SDO-X Osu! Project
SDO-X Osu! Project is a project hosted by Tatsh Siow and remaked with the help of other fellow dancers!
As the Global update has removed some of the most played songs in SDO-X, so I decided to remake this for playing old charts again but in a different engine.
This project is created based on Osu!Fx Engine. (Original Osu! will work, but some elements are unusable)
This is still a Work-In-Progress.
So if others willing to help to complete this, I'll be really appreciated your help!
Don't expect too much as this is still a work in progress!
Enjoy and stay awesome!
Currently Collab-charting with
Justin_Lucky (Main Noter)
PinkWind (Mapset Packer)
Special Thanks to:
Dead Master (Noter, SDOmania elements)
ecafree2 (Noter, SDO original elements)
小岚岚的天空 (Noter)
Expi3nze (Noter)
[N]hok[Q] (Noter)
Kuroshiro (Noter)
KagaNyan (Noter)
Xingyue (Noter - Venus Carnival)
ShikiNoHollow (Noter - Pure In Asia)
anisak1s (Noter - Necro Fantasy)
Athxheo (Noter)
UncleX (Noter - Blaze(Rose-1))
Last Updated : 01/01/2025
Latest Beatmaps Pack : 53
(IMPORTANT!) How to Use the skin (V.7)
Version 7 includes
(Main Folder) SDO-X Osu! V.7
(Sub Folders) [Left/Right] Panel [Up/Down]
Copy and replace the files to your preferences playstyle
Latest Skin Update Logs
(+) Nearly Every Elements Reworked
(+) Reduce Blurriness, Increase overall details
(+) Better Hit boxes (much similiar to SDO)
(-) Dropped 6-Key support due to heavy workload (Use V6 if you want 6 key)
Version History
Note: V.6 Skin contains 4 skin Folders
1. Upscroll Left
2. Downscroll Left
3. Upscroll Middle
4. Downscroll Middle
Just use the one that fits your playstyle
Update V.6:
-6 Key Reworked
-Left Panel Available
-Sound Effects
-(*)6 Key Support
-Reworked UI (looks better)
-Modifiers Elements Added
-Fail Screen And Pause Screen Elements
-Reworked UI
-Added Buttons Elements
-Added Ranking Elements
-Removed Unknown Mysterious Bar
-Re-aligned Layout
-Resized Long Note
-Long Notes Tail changed to grey Tail
-Use SDO Original Health bar
-(Fix)Flipped Upscroll Notes
-Fixed Note Size
-Fixed Note Panel
-Fixed Hit Lighting
-Fixed Note Panel Backlit Color
-Long Notes Change to Plain Bar
(Initial Release)