SDG- CONFYI is a project funded within the Erasmus+ programme, KA2 VET Small-Scale partnership.
The 3 partners (Starkmacher Impact from Germany, FormAP from Italy, Clearlight Consulting from Slovakia) wish to review and grow in their knowledge as consultants, educators & trainers, so as to accompany other companies and organisations in fighting together with climate change, achieving the UN SDGs, and growing the social impact of their activities.
Project objectives
With this project the three partner consultancy companies (DE, IT and SK) intend to expand their consultancy and training skills for social enterprises focused on the Green Deal, the digital dimension, a people-centred economy and, last but not least , on the priorities of the European Commission in the field of social economy and sustainable development. The partners want to capture the impact of the social economy in the fields of environmental sustainability and the digital dimension.
Through this project the partner organizations will increase the quality of their work, launch and consolidate their position in social impact counseling and training.
The project focuses on three fundamental topics that will be addressed in three corresponding activities: