Professional Learning Opportunities
The purpose of the California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) STEAM Hub Grant is to expand the initiative across the entire California System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL). STEAM Hub's goal is to increase the competence and confidence of expanded learning program staff to facilitate STEAM learning.

2021-22 STEAM Meetups

Target audience: Expanded Learning Program Site Leaders and Staff

Purpose: A virtual community of practice where expanded learning program staff can gather in a comfortable space with their peers to learn together and from each other by sharing resources, promising practices, and participating in dialogue on current events and challenges.

Dates: Sept 30, Nov 17, Jan 19, Mar 16, May 18 Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Please register for each meeting. Click here to register for the upcoming Meetup.

2021-22 STEAM Hub Advisory

Target audience: Expanded Learning Program Site Leaders, Program Staff, Local Community Partners

Join the STEAM Hub Advisory team to discuss the needs for support at the program level. The team will provide input on the STEAM Hub activities, such as the STEAM Meetups and the annual STEAMpower Conference and to collaborate and coordinate resources from local community partners. All meetings will be held virtually this year.

Dates: Sept 7, Nov 2, Feb 1, Apr 5. Time: 1:00 pm-2:00 pm

Please register once to attend any of the meetings. Click here to register.

Region 9 Site Coordinator Connection: Self-Care for Site Coordinators

Target audience: Expanded Learning Program Site Leaders, Program Staff

Purpose: The Region 9 System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) and STEAM Hub county teams of Imperial, Orange and San Diego are excited to kick off our Site Coordinator Connection Series this year. Our series will be focused on Self-Care for Site Coordinators. These one hour sessions will encourage Site Coordinator connections across our region. Included will be tips, resources and opportunities to prioritize your own self-care.

Dates: Oct 14, Jan 27, Mar 10. Time: 10:00 am-11:00 am

Please register once to attend any of the meetings. Click here to register.