San Diego County Office of Education
System of Support for Expanded Learning
The CA Expanded Learning STEAM Hub Initiative inspires staff to lead innovative and authentic STEAM learning that ignites students' imagination and passion to decode challenges and thrive.
Access this website for professional learning opportunities, current events and resources through the System of Support for Expanded Learning.

Upcoming Events

  • The STEAM Meetups are a community of practice for expanded learning program staff to share and dialogue on current events, challenges and possible solutions. The meetings are held bi-monthly-- attend as many as you'd like.

The STEAM Hub is generously supported in part by:

What's New?

  • Meet Dakotah Flowers, a mechanical engineer who designs life support systems for marine and aquatic life. Then, design and test a water filtration device with your students.

  • Meet Shannon Beaty, a scientist who researches and develops vaccines. Learn how quickly infectious diseases spread in the accompanying classroom simulation.

  • Need some inspiration? Watch all of the Mini Motivational Moments videos from the 2021 STEAMpower conference.