Invited Lecture

1.Recent advances and technologies of Al-alloy matrix composites, presented in Science & Technology Entrepreneur Park (STEP) programme being held at MACT, Bhopal on August 9, 1992.

2.Delivered a lecture on Technology on Al-alloy composites developed at RRL, Bhopal during Technology Awareness Programme (TAP) held at Raipur on 30th and 31st December, 1992.

3.Lecture delivered on Tensile properties of Al-Si (LM6) alloy at elevated temperatures, Invited by Bharat Aluminium Company, Korba on 14th November, 1992.

4. Lectures on (a) Precipitation hardening & (b) Heat treatment of non-ferrous metals, delivered during ISTE summer school held at MACT, Bhopal, July 5-18, 1993.

5.Metal Matrix Particle Composites-potential Material for Brake drum Applications presented at Telco, Jamshedpur, August 12, 1994.

6. SLIZ: A Potential Material for Bush Bearing, at Telco, Jamshedpur, August 12, 1994.

7. RESCA: A Potential Material for Brake drum Application, Presented at Maruti Udoyg Ltd., June 28, 1994.

8. Strengthening mechanism in metals & alloys, in the ISTE Summer School, July 10-22, 1995, at MACT, Bhopal.

9. Mechanical Properties of Metals & Alloys, Ibid.

10. Metal Matrix Composites: Recent Trends and Future prospects, Ibid.

11. Aluminium alloy composites: A Potential Material for Automobile Applications, December 22, 1995, Vehicle Factory, Ministry of Defense, Jabalpur.

12. Manufacturing Process of Metal Matrix Composites, Lecture Delivered during Summer School held at MACT, Bhopal on 1996.

13. Al-Alloy Matrix Composites : Potential Material for Automobile and Engineering Applications - Interaction Meeting between R&D Centres and Industries, Organized by The Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India, Mandideep, Bhopal, July 27, 1996.

14. Development of Al-Alloy Metal Matrix Composites for Engineering Applications - Recent Developments in Materials Technology, The Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India, Itarsi, August 7, 1996.

15. Al alloy matrix composites: Potential materials for Automobile applications, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 8-26, Nishi Waseda, 2-chome, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo (169), Japan, October 29, 1997.

16. Development of Al-Alloy Composites for Automobile Applications -delivered at Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company Ltd. (TELCO), Pune, October 15, 1997.

17. X-Ray Diffraction Technique for Characterization of Engineering Materials, Lecture delivered during Workshop on Characterization of Engineering Materials, Institute of Engineers, Bhopal on January 11- 13, 1997.

18. Al-Alloy Composite: Potential Material for Automobile Piston and Cylinder Block-delivered at M/s Bajaj Auto Ltd., Pune, October 16, 1997.

19. Aluminium Alloy Particle Composites: Potential Material for Automobile and Engineering Applications, National Seminar on Composite Materials (COMPEAT - 1998), NML-MRSI, Jamshedpur, March 19, 1998.

20. Development of Al Composite for Automobile and Engineering Applications. Lecture delivered at Thapar Centre for Industrial R&D, Patiala, September 15, 1998.

21. Presented "Cast aluminium based MMC-development of products: an experience, during Institute Industry Interaction Meet held at University of Roorkee on October 9, 1999

22. Performance Improvement of Mining and Mineral Processing Machinery Components, presented at Rajesthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd., Udaipur, February 19, 2000.

23. "Development of Light Weight Energy Efficient Metal Matrix Composites for Engineering Applications", presented on Energy Conservation Day, December 14, 2001 at MACT, Bhopal

24. Lecture on "Heat Treatment of Aluminium Alloys", presented during Winter School on Wear Characteristics and Material Selection for Agricultural Equipment held at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal during September 4-24, 2001.

25. Lecture on "R&D Activities of RRL, Bhopal" in Extol Techno-Glimpse 2002 held at Extol Institute of Management, Bhopal on January 19, 2002

26. "Development of Aluminium Alloy Composites for Automobile and Mining Industries", delivered during Non-ferrous Meet - 2002 at Taj Residency, Hyderabad, June 29, 2002

27. Lecture on "Elemental Analysis of Materials", presented during Winter School on Production Technology of Agricultural Equipment, held at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal during September 10, 2002.

28. Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on "Fundamentals of X-Ray Diffraction and Residual Stress Measurement", presented during Shot Pining Workshop held at MANIT, Bhopal during November 21-23, 2003.

29. Lecture delivered on “Fundamental on X-Ray Diffraction and Issues Related to Drug Molecules”, presented during Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences held at VNS Institute of Pharmacy, Bhopal on January 15, 2004.

30. Processing and Properties of Advanced Materials, October 8, 2004 in MANIT, Bhopal

31.Recent advances in Composite Materials. Courses on Advanced Materials. TTTI Bhopal 22 Nov, 2004

32. Processing & Properties of Advanced Materials, Dept of Mech. Engg., MITS Gwalior, 14th July 2004.

33. Keynote Lecture delivered on Development of metal foam synthesis, properties and applications, during international conference on recent advances in materials and processing (RAMP - 2006), held during December 15-16, 2006 in PSG college of Technology Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

34. Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on Advances in Metal Foam at Trivandrum during 24-26 October, 2007.

35. Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Advanced Materials for Automotive Industry”, presented during Auto fest-2008 at Oriental Institute of Sciences & Technology, Bhopal on 18 March, 2008.

36. Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Capillary Mass transport in open cell Aluminium foam” during Short term program on Recent applications of thermal engineering held in MANIT, Bhopal on 12 August, 2008.

37. Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Advanced materials and processes for automotive industries” during Short term program on Recent applications of thermal engineering held in MANIT, Bhopal on 14 August, 2008.

38. Lecture delivered during Xth Congress of ICSOBA-2008 Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium industry of Austral-Asia and New Technological Advances, November 28-30, 2008, Bhubaneswar.

39. Aluminium Foam: A Potential Functional Material NMD-ATM of Indian Institute of Metals, November 12-15, 2013 IIT, BHU Varanasi Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Light Metals Casting Technologies.

40. The Second International Conference on INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MANUFACTURING (IRAM 2013) 16-18 December, 2013 at IIT Indore, MP

41. Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Magnesium Alloys 26-28 February, 2014, Int. Conf. Emerging Materials and Processes (ICEMP) Bhubaneswar.

42. Al Foam: Emerging Materials for crash worthiness and thermal management. Inter. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Science & Tech impact on Environment & Society for Inclusive Growth 14-15 February 2014 ICETST 14 at AISECT Bhopal

43. Eco-Friendly Design, 19 September, 2015, During National Conf. on Green Chemical Technologies at SISTec Bhopal. (Keynote Lecture)

44. Closed Cell Aluminium Composite Foam: A Multifunctional Ultra-lightweight Material , NMD-ATM, November 12, 2016, IIT , Kanpur (Invited Lecture)

45. Eco friendly-Design, During Advances in Product Design and Manufacturing (APDM) 6 January 2017. Dept. of Mechanical Engg. MANIT, Bhopal

46. LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS, During Advances in Smart and Functional Materials (ASFM) 13 January 2017 at CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal

47. ADVANCED LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (Keynote Lecture), During Advanced Materials and Processing (NSAMP) 20, January 2017 At Govt. Engg. College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad, Kerala.