
What is ScratchPals?

ScratchPals is a free teacher-led initiative to create global classrooms
by connecting teachers and students via Scratch.

Through ScratchPals, educators connect with each other and provide students ages 7-14 years with experiences in global collaboration, computer science, creative computing, and digital citizenship.

What happens in ScratchPals?

During six-week rounds held twice a year, ScratchPals teachers and students
connect, create, and collaborate with other teachers and students around the world.

ScratchPals educators connect via the Scratch online community, Zoom, Padlet, and Discord. They create Scratch projects to introduce themselves. They collaborate through professional learning, resource sharing, and video calls with each other’s classes.

Teachers Connect

Teachers Create

Teachers Collaborate

ScratchPals students connect via the Scratch online community, Padlet, and Zoom. They create Scratch projects that reflect their interests and their classroom learning. They collaborate through peer feedback, shared greetings, and video calls with other ScratchPals classes.

Students Connect

Students Create

Students Collaborate

How does ScratchPals work?

Check out these presentations to learn more about the ScratchPals framework, week-by-week experience, benefits of participation, student projects, teacher feedback, and more!

2021 Scratch Conference 7/22/21

CS for All Teachers (with Community Ambassador Michelle Swensson) 6/2/21

ISTE Global PLN Virtual Playground 12/17/20

What is the scope of ScratchPals?

  • ScratchPals Ambassadors - 12

  • ScratchPals community members - 500+

  • ScratchPals teachers (past participants) - 100+

  • ScratchPals students (past participants) - 1,200+

  • Countries represented - 22

An average round of ScratchPals includes 30 teachers and 600 students in 10 different countries.

ScratchPals logo and site graphics incorporate images from the Scratch Foundation, the Creative Computing Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, UNICEF, World's Largest Lesson, micro:bit Foundation, and JoyLabz Makey Makey. Icons are adapted from Freepik at