
Link to complete list of publications: VITA

Selected Publications in Strands Below:

indicates student author

I. Developing, implementing, and evaluating school-based interventions that focus on children’s strengths

*Phillips, T., Graves, S., McCallum, E. (2022). The Effect of Video Self-Modeling for Black  Boys with Challenging Behaviors in an Urban Setting. Journal of Applied School Psychology,  38(3), 205-222.

Graves, S., *Phillips, S., *Jones, M., & *Johnson, K. (2021). A Systematic Review of the What Works Clearinghouse’s Behavioral Intervention Evidence: Does it relate to Black children? Psychology in the Schools, 58 (6), 1026-1040. 

*Aston C, Graves, S., McGoey, K., Lovelace, T., Townsend, T. (2018). Promoting sisterhood: The impact of a culturally focused program to address verbally aggressive behaviors in Black girls. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 50-62.

Graves, S., & *Aston C. (2018). A mixed-methods study of a social emotional curriculum for Black male success: A school-based pilot study of the Brothers of Ujima. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 76-84.

Graves, S., *Sobalvarro, A., *Nichols, K., *Ryan, A., *Aston, C.,* Blefari, A., *Schutte, K., *Schachner, A., *Vicoria, L, Prier, D. (2017). Examining the Effectiveness of a Culturally Adapted Social Emotional Intervention for African American Males in an Urban Setting. School Psychology Quarterly, 32, 62-74.

*Ryan, A., Graves, S., *Sobalvarro, A., *Nichols, K., *Schutte, K., *Aston, C., (2016).  An Evaluation of Strong Kids in an Urban African American Female Sample: The Need for Gender-Specific and Culturally Focused Interventions. School Psychology Forum, 10, 157-164.

 *Aston, C. & Graves, S. (2016). Promoting Positive Self Identity in Urban Schools: The Impact of a Gender Specific Afrocentric Intervention. School Psychology Forum. 10, 165-176.

 *Beeks, A., & Graves, S. (2016). The Effects of the Mystery Motivator Intervention in an Urban Classroom. School Psychology Forum, 10, 142-156.

Sobalvarro, A., Graves, S., & Hughes, T. (2016). The effects of check-in/check-out on kindergarten students in an urban setting. Contemporary School Psychology, 20, 84-92.

II. Using Large-Scale Datasets

Graves, S., & *Wang, Y. (in press). It’s not that they are Big, it’s just that they are Black: The impact of Body Mass Index, School Belonging, and Self Esteem on Black boys’ School Suspension. School Psychology Review.

Graves, S., & Ye, F. (2017). Are Special Education Labels Accurate for Black Children: Racial Differences in Academic trajectories of youth diagnosed with specific learning and intellectual disabilities. Journal of Black Psychology, 43, 192-213.

*Brown, S., McGoey, K., Graves, S., & Schreiber, J. (2017). Influences of childcare quality for children with disruptive behavior disorders. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 2, 61-84.

Graves, S., & Serpell, Z. (2013). Racial Differences in Medication Use in a National Sample of Children with ADHD Enrolled in Special Education. School Mental Health, 5, 175-182.

Graves, S., Blake, J., Kim, E. (2012). Differences in parent and teacher ratings of preschool problem behavior in a national sample: The significance of gender and SES. Journal of Early Intervention. 34, 151-165.

Graves, S. (2011). School and Child level predictors of academic success for African American children in 3rd grade: Implications for No Child Left Behind. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 14, 675-697.

Graves, S. & Howes, C. (2011). Ethnic Differences in Behavioral Problems in Preschool: The impact of Teacher Child Relationships, Ethnic Match, and Classroom Quality. School Psychology Quarterly, 26, 202- 214. https://doi/10.1037/a0024117

Stevens-Watkins, D., & Graves, S. (2011). Differences between African American males who are and are not involved in the Criminal Justice System: Evidence from a National Sample. Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 9, 136-151.

Graves, S., & Wright, L. (2011). Parent Involvement at School Entry: A National Examination of group differences and Achievement. School Psychology International, 32, 35-48.

Harris, T. & Graves, S. (2010). The influence of cultural capital transmission on reading achievement in African American fifth grade boys. Journal of Negro Education, 79, 447-457.

Graves, S. (2010). Are we neglecting African American males: Parental involvement differences between African American males and females during elementary school? Journal of African American Studies, 14, 263-276.

Graves, S. & *Frohwerk, A. (2009). Multilevel Modeling and School Psychology: A review and practical example. School Psychology Quarterly, 24, 84-94. https://doi/10.1037/a0016160

III. Assessment Practices and School Psychology

Graves., S. (in press). Assessing Black intelligence: National and international perspectives on standardization sample appropriateness. School Psychology International.

Graves, S., *Johnson, K., *Phillips, S., *Jones, M., & *Jacobs, M. (in press). Quantifying the linguistic demands of the oral directions of preschool cognitive assessments. Psychology in the Schools.

Graves, S. (2022). Can clinical judgement overcome flawed materials when assessing Black children: The need for more intervention-based pedagogy and less assessment negligence. School Psychology International, 43(6), 584-590. https://10.1177/01430343221128244

*Lee, K., Graves, S. L., Jr., & *Bumpus, E. (2022). Competency standards in cognitive assessment course assignments: A national analysis of school psychology syllabi. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication

*Bumpus, E.,* Vinco., M., *Lee., K., *Accurso, J., & Graves, S. (2022). The Consistency of  Expectations: An Analysis of Learning Objectives within Cognitive Assessment Course Syllabi. Teaching of Psychology. 49(1), 30-36.

Woods, I., & Graves, S.L. (2021). The fortieth anniversary of Larry P. V. Riles: Cognitive assessment and Black children. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 137–139. 

Graves, S., Smith, L.V. & *Nichols, K.D. (2021) Is the WISC-V a Fair Test for Black Children: Factor Structure in an Urban public school Sample. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 157-169

Smith, L.V., & Graves, S. (2021). An Exploration of Gender Invariance of the WISC-V among Black children in an urban school district. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 170-182.

 *Miller, L. T., *Bumpus, E. C., & Graves, S. L. (2021). The state of cognitive assessment training in school psychology: An analysis of syllabi. Contemporary School Psychology, 25, 149– 156.

Graves, S., & Ye, F. (2017). Are Special Education Labels Accurate for Black Children: Racial Differences in Academic trajectories of youth diagnosed with specific learning and intellectual disabilities. Journal of Black Psychology, 43, 192-213.

Proctor, S. L., Graves, S., & *Esch, R. C.  (2012). Assessing African American students for specific learning disabilities: The promises and perils of Response to Intervention. Journal of Negro Education, 81, 268-282.

Graves, S., & Mitchell, A. (2011). Is the Moratorium Over? African American Psychology Professionals’ Views on Intelligence Testing in Response to Changes to Federal Policy. Journal of Black Psychology, 37, 407-425.

Sullivan, A. L., A’Vant, E., Baker, J., Chandler, D., Graves, S., et al. (2009, October). Confronting inequity in special education: Promising practices for addressing disproportionality. NASP Communiqué, 38(2), 1.

Sullivan, A. L., A’Vant, E., Baker, J., Chandler, D., Graves, S., et al. (2009, September). Confronting inequity in special education: Understanding the problem of disproportionality:  Part I. NASP Communiqué, 38(1), 1, 16.

IV. Professional Issues in School Psychology

*Flood, S., *Phillips, S., *McConnell, *Goodwin, K., *Matthews, L., & Graves, S. (in press). An examination of self-care research in school psychology. Contemporary School Psychology.

Graves, S., Newell, M., *Harrell, F., *Wells, T., (2021). A Mixed-Data Analysis of graduate student mentoring for faculty careers in school psychology. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(1), 99-108.

Beeks, A., & Graves, S. (2017) Academic leadership’s views of school psychology: The case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Psychology in the Schools, 54, 612-623. https://doi/10.1002/pits.22018

Blake, J. J., Graves, S., Newell, M., & Jimerson, S. R. (2016). Diversification of school psychology: Developing an evidence base from current research and practice. School Psychology Quarterly, 31, 305-310.

 *Smith, L. V., Blake, J. J., Graves, S. L, *Vaughan-Jensen, J. E., *Pulido, R., & *Banks, C. (2016). Promoting diversity through program websites: A multicultural content analysis of School Psychology program websites.  School Psychology Quarterly, 31, 327-339. https://doi/10.1037/spq0000149

Smith, L., Blake, J., & Graves, S. (2013). School psychology programs effort to recruit culturally diverse students. Trainers Forum 32 (1), 4-23. 

Graves, S. & Brown-Wright, L. (2013). A qualitative study of ethnically diverse school psychology faculty experiences in the professoriate: Implications for diversifying higher education. Trainers Forum, 31(2), 29-46. 

Graves, S. & Wright, L. (2009). HBCU students’ and faculties’ views of School Psychology: Implications for increasing diversity in higher education. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 616-626.

Graves, S. (2009). Albert Sidney Beckham: The first African American school psychologist. School Psychology International, 30, 5-23.

Graves, S., & Wright, L. (2007). Comparison of individual factors in school psychology graduate students: Why do students pursue a degree in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 865-872.