Bio etc

I am currently a Senior Investigator in the Department of Bioethics at the Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health.  Prior to coming to the NIH, I was professor of psychiatry and co-director of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine, University of Michigan.  I am an adjunct professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan and an adjunct professor of neurology at the University of Rochester.

I am a psychiatrist and a philosopher.  Clinically, I have worked as a consultation psychiatrist in general hospitals and as an outpatient general psychiatrist.  My philosophical background is in Kant’s moral philosophy* (PhD, University of Chicago, with Christine Korsgaard, Marcia Baron, and Arnold Davidson). But most of my work has been in bioethics.  As I hope will be clear from this website, I use a variety of methods--normative analysis, in depth qualitative interviews, large database analysis, experimental surveys, democratic deliberation, decision analysis, and others--in my work. 

My CV is here.

*You can find my dissertation on Kant's moral theory (Morality, Identity, and Happiness: An Essay on the Kantian Moral Life) here.