events, OUTREACH, & initiatives
SCORE hosts 'Hate Has No Home Here' Rally to protest racist messaging
In October of 2023, the directors of SCORE were saddened to hear about the white-supremacist group that had been posting their messaging throughout East Lyme and neighboring towns.
Based on community feedback and the motivation to respond, SCORE hosted a protest/demonstration on the East Lyme town green on October 22nd, 2023.
SCORE and the all attendees gathered to protest the messaging from this group and communicate that hate has no home here. Thank you to everyone who spoke and everyone who attended!
SCORE sponsors Indigenous Peoples' Day event in East Lyme once again (Fall, 2023)
At this year's event, the Humble Spirit drum group performed, bringing traditional music to the Nehantic homeland.
The event took place at McCook Park in Niantic, Connecticut on Saturday, September 30 from 1pm-4pm.
SCORE hosts a "Superintendent Summit" with SECT education leaders (Summer, 2023)
In August of 2023, SCORE hosted a discussion with education leaders from around Southeastern Connecticut. The goal? Share learnings and experiences around creating more inclusive and equitable education from the past few years.
Representatives from East Lyme, Waterford, and Norwich, were present, including Superintendents Jeff Newton and Thomas Giard, and Equity Director Sarah Duso. The discussion was lively and productive, covering topics such as professional development, diversifying workforces, and implementing an equity lens when analyzing student data.
SCORE collaborates with Rutgers University Communications course to overhaul community outreach (Spring, 2023)
During the Spring semester of 2023, SCORE collaborated with a Master's-level Communications course to help reimagine how SCORE connects with its community.
The primary project the collaboration focused on was the creation of a newsletter detailing SCORE updates and initiatives along with highlighting SECT businesses, individuals, policies, history, and more.
BIG NEWS! Peter Lucido is the recipient of SCORE’s second annual scholarship from New London High School!
SCORE in the news
The East Lyme Board of Education has taken many recent steps to progress equity efforts, including explicitly mentioning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts in job postings, adding a translation system on the school website, and committing professional development resources to anti-racism.
But this isn't the end of the road by any means -- the work continues!
Read more about SCORE's role in this article from May 7th.
BIG NEWS! Jamie Kim is the recipient of SCORE’s second annual scholarship from East Lyme High School!
Jamie Kim is our East Lyme High School Class of 2022 SCORE scholarship recipient! She will be attending the University of Michigan, her dream school, to study sociology on the pre-law track.
While at ELHS, Jamie was on the swim team and was a writer for the school newspaper The Viking Saga. In her editorials and articles, she highlighted the experiences of Asian Americans and used her voice to speak out against racism and microaggressions.
During this time she also became an active member of the student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Outside of school, Jamie connected with the organization MakeUsVisibleCT whose goal was to create an Asian American Pacific Islander Studies course, which aligned with her value of education through history.
We are so proud of Jamie and can't wait to see the great things she accomplishes at UMich!
SCORE in the news
Members of the community continue to speak out in support of the recent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts by the East Lyme Board of Education (detailed in this article from May 7th). Read one community member's opinion in this letter to the editor from May 12th!
SCORE sponsors Indigenous Peoples' Day event in East Lyme
Participants learned about the Nehantic Nation at this event, which featured presentations by members of the Nehantic Nation and historian Dr. John Pfeiffer, an eastern conical wigwam and bark basketry by Jennifer Lee, and activities for children of all ages.
SCORE in the news
SCORE is quoted in this The Day article from October 1st and mentioned in this column, titled "Why are residents of East Lyme so afraid of change?" appearing in The Day on October 5th.
"(Restorative practices) can be a great way to bridge the gap of understanding and bring two sides together, because what we're really looking for is unity, equity, inclusion. We're not looking to separate."
"We created racism. That is a social construct. If we created it, then we can dismantle it."
BIG NEWS! Kehyana Roache is the recipient of SCORE’s first scholarship from New London High School!!
Kehyana, who was born in the Bronx, New York, grew up in Antigua, and has lived in New London for two years, will be starting school at Albertus Magnus College in New Haven this fall where she plans to study finance and accounting.
She first became passionate about accounting while studying in Antigua, and this interest blossomed at New London High School where she was Treasurer for the Class of 2021. This position worked as a stepping-stone in the transition from schoolwork to an eventual career in finance.
Kehyana is a creative thinker and we are confident that whichever path she pursues in life, she will do great things.
SCORE in the news
Ever wonder how to go about teaching children to be anti-racist? This article, written by Nickie DeSardo, SCORE's Director of Programming, highlights age-appropriate resources for teaching children to be anti-racist. Links, videos, and book titles are included by developmental group. Check it out here!
BIG NEWS! Alexa Torres is the recipient of SCORE’s first scholarship from East Lyme High School!!
Alexa, who moved to the United States from Mexico when she was 8 years old, will be starting school at the University of Connecticut this fall where she plans to study biomedical engineering.
She is interested in pursuing medical school after graduating, with a potential focus in dermatology. She became interested in dermatology and the science of skin grafting after taking a course in human anatomy and meeting a burn patient who described their medical story to Alexa. We are sure that whichever route Alexa pursues, she will do great things.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Alexa ran track (800m and 4x400m) at East Lyme School, and she loves analyzing films and watching the sunset.
Reports from the CT Police Reform Project (see below!)
SCORE has recently begun a collaborative relationship with the CT Police Reform Project (CTPRP, more info here). The CTPRP conducts extensive research on policing in major CT cities suggests reformations. Together, we have discussed the possibility of gathering this type of information about Southeastern CT, as such research would be crucial to understanding the training, policies, practices, and trends of Police Departments in the area. This will help community members make informed suggestions regarding police reform.
The CTPRP also released an informative report about the school to prison pipeline, its ramifications, and ways that schools can help. All reports are vital resources for anyone hoping to learn more about policing in CT, the problems we are facing, and the changes that can be made. Read the reports below.

Presentation to the EL Board of Selectmen: Part II (April, 2021)
Led by medical student and Director of Community Engagement Anneliese Lapides, SCORE formally presented the case for declaring racism an official health crisis in East Lyme to the Board of Selectmen. Such a resolution has been adopted by numerous local and national towns (link, link), and the CDC (link, link). The Board is currently reviewing the resolution and will vote on it in the coming weeks. The resolution may be viewed below.

Scholarship Fund created for NLHS Graduates of Color (June, 2021)
SCORE has established a scholarship for New London High School graduates of color. This scholarship will be presented for the first time in June, 2021. All contributions to this fund are welcome.
Presentation to the EL Board of Selectmen: Part I (February, 2021)
SCORE's Director of Community Engagement Anneliese Lapides presented the case for declaring racism an official health crisis in East Lyme. The video may be viewed below.
Diversity Dive, hosted by SCORE (February, 2021)
We at SCORE are hosting a winter fundraiser for the month of February. The challenge: a winter dip (a diversity dive, perhaps?)!!
All you need to do is jump into a body of water (easy), and then pass it on by nominating friends to 1) donate to SCORE, 2) take a dive of their own, and 3) nominate their friends. With every dip, we'll be raising money for a scholarship to be awarded to ELHS graduates of color. Also, you don't have to be nominated to do a dive! Jump on in and then nominate your friends to get the ball rolling.
Don't want to dip? You can still donate by using Venmo (@southeasternCTorg4racialequity) or PayPal ( More info on our donate page.
Initiative for East Lyme to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis (February, 2021; sign it here!)
The Southeastern CT Organization for Racial Equity was formed to enhance inclusivity for people of color and dismantle racism in our communities. This mission must include a focus on health and the healthcare experience of racial and ethnic minorities, which is why we want East Lyme to declare racism as an official public health crisis in our town.
Not only does the experience of racism create an extremely high risk of anxiety and depression, but COVID-19 disproportionately affects people of color in CT through infection rates and death. These problems, along with the inequalities in medical treatment for people of color in the healthcare system, only scratch the surface of the health issues created through institutionalized racism.
For these reasons and many others, SCORE wants to follow in the footsteps of towns such as Old Saybrook, New London, Colchester, Manchester, Simsbury, West Hartford, New Haven, and Bloomfield by declaring racism a public health crisis in our town. This will progress toward the goal of inc1uding race in the conversation behind all town decisions.
650+ signatures. The resolution may be viewed below.

Scholarship Fund for ELHS Graduates of Color (June, 2021)
SCORE has established a scholarship for East Lyme High School graduates of color. This scholarship will be presented for the first time in June, 2021.
Prayer Vigil for Racial Justice and Peace (January, 2021)
In collaboration with Niantic Community Church, SCORE hosted a peaceful gathering to promote coordinated racial justice action (event info here).
Large turnout despite freezing temperatures. Speakers rallied for continued effort. Petitions signed and energy renewed.
Received Official 501(c)(3) Status (December, 2020)
Donors to SCORE may deduct contributions under IRC Section 170.
East Lyme Run for Black Lives II (September, 2020)
Follow-up to the geographically dispersed run for Black lives. 1 lap = 1 dollar.
30+ individual donors and $950+ raised for the scholarship fund for ELHS graduates of color and towards anti-racism material for East Lyme public schools.
Car Wash Fundraiser II for ELHS Scholarships (September, 2020)
$450+ raised for the scholarship fund for ELHS graduates of color and towards anti-racism material for East Lyme public schools.
Car Wash Fundraiser I for ELHS Scholarships (August, 2020)
$300 raised for the scholarship fund for ELHS graduates of color and towards anti-racism material for East Lyme public schools.
East Lyme Run for Black Lives I (August, 2020)
Geographically dispersed run for Black lives. 1 lap = 1 dollar.
50+ individual donors and $3,200+ raised for the scholarship fund for ELHS graduates of color and towards anti-racism material for East Lyme public schools.
Call to Action for the EL Board of Education (July, 2020)
Presented to the Board of Education a list of recommendations in five distinct categories (diversity training, anti-racism policy, hiring, curriculum, voice amplification) for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in East Lyme schools. Recommendations were accompanied by specific methods that SCORE could help with their implementation. Moreover, they were backed by numerous first-hand testimonials from students, teachers, parents, and other residents of East Lyme. The full document may be viewed here.
UPDATE (February 2021) -- The EL BOE has since formed a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion committee specifically tasked with implementing similar changes to EL public schools. The committee's plan will be published here when it is made public.
Juneteenth: Educate Yourself (June, 2020)
A peaceful, public presentation of members of East Lyme educating themselves on the many facets of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Black Lives Matter Lawn Signs Fundraiser (June, 2020)
Signs designed by Geralson Withrow prominently declare one's anti-racism.
250+ signs sold to date. $1,200+ raised for the scholarship fund for ELHS graduates of color and towards anti-racism material for East Lyme public schools.
Protest for Black Lives Matter (June, 2020)
Approximately 300 people in attendance to protest police brutality and systemic racism. Multiple speakers detailed their experiences with racism in southeastern CT.
$800+ raised for organizations committed to anti-racism efforts (i.e., the ACLU, the NAACP LDF, Black Lives Matter, and the National Police Accountability Project).