My Research

Updates: My full publication list is available on my NASA ADS database

Some supernovae have shown pre-explosion mass ejection, which can be explained by the propagation of waves. I use hydrodynamical simulations with stellar evolutionary models to study about the details and the consequence of this process, and connect it to rapid-evolving transient events. 


Nova is the surface outburst of a C+O or a O+Ne white dwarf. Recent observations show they have a much lower gamma-ray emission and aspherical explosion. I use the stellar evolution code MESA to calculate how the outburst depends on the properties of the white dwarf, and I predict the (gamma-ray) optical signal associated with the outburst. 


The recently accepted gamma-ray telescope COSI (Compton Spectrometer and Imager) has brought hope to measure gamma-ray sources with a much higher resolution. This motivates us to build a code to model the gamma-ray production by supernovae. I develop a Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code to capture the propagation of photon in the medium. I use the code to synthesize gamma-ray spectra and light curves. (More...)

Type Ia supernovae are thermonuclear runaways of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. The observed diversity suggests that the possible parameter space for supernova explosion is much wider than we have expected. I build multi-D models to understand how the observed diversity translates into diversity in the parameter space. I explore different explosion mechanisms and their signature in chemical abundances. 


Stars with a mass between 80-140 solar mass at low metallicity develops a massive He core. These stars experience significant mass loss before the final explosion. I compute the stellar evolutionary models of these stars and predict the exact mass loss. The models are used for explaining some (rapidly-evolving) super-luminous supernovae and black hole masses. 


Massive stars above ~25 solar mass collapses at the end of their evolution and form black holes. When the black hole is rapidly rotating, the accretion disk orbiting around the black hole can develop into powerful jet. The jet deposits energy to the surrounding and trigger the explosion. I study how the propagation of this powerful leads to shock breakout at the surface and its associated nucleosynthetic signature. The results are connected to gamma-ray bursts and zinc-rich metal poor stars. 


Electron capture supernova is the explosion of star with 8-10 solar mass. It contributes to 30% of the stellar population but it is unclear whether it disrupts itself as a Type Iax supernova or collapses into a neutron star. I use multi-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations to predict its final fate, starting from its onset of nuclear runaway. I study how the hydrodynamics instabilities and microscopic processes interact with the star, and determine its final fate.  


Dark matter contributes to about 80% of matter in the universe but their particle properties remain elusive. I use stars and supernovae as probes to investigate the potential fingerprints on these stellar objects. I search the potential signature of dark matter on the static and dynamical properties of stars. My results can connect to a number of peculiar features in the observational data. 
