Jet-induced supernova (Collapsar)

Black hole that fires...

For a star with a mass above ~40 solar mass, the Fe-core collapses and form a black hole. The remaining matter continues to fall and forms the accretion disk by conservation of angular momentum. 

The physical picture of accretion disk and collapsar is convoluted because it includes physics of 

My works focus on (ii) and (iii), namely how the accretion disk forms and how the jet deposits its energy to form the gamma-ray burst when the jet propates in the stellar envelope. 

A movie of collapsar explosion through the aspherical (jet-like) energy deposition from its collapsed remnant in the center, a rapidly rotating black hole. 

A movie of the collapsar explosion, but focusing at the innermost 1000 km, where the accretion disk is the most prominent. Dynamical instability of the accretion disk is demonstrated. 

Explosive nucleosynthesis

The jet heats  the matter along its propagation and creates high-entropy zone in the envelope matter. This allows the alpha-rich freezeout nuclear reaction. The rapid nuclear reaction allows synthesis of a wide range of Fe-peak elements including Ti, V, Co and Zn. They are not well produced in other types of supernovae (e.g., Type Ia).

Ejecta Morphology

Due to the cone-shape nature of the jet, more Fe-peak elements are synthesized and ejected along the jet (green dots in the figure). Meanwhile, the original composition in the star is excited and expelled as well (purple dots).