The curious story of supernova

Welcome to my homepage! I am Shing Chi Leung. I am a faculty in the SUNY Polytechnic Institute. I do numerical simulations of stars and supernovae. My research focuses on stellar/supernova astrophysics.

This webpage documents my research and teaching profiles. You can find what I love as hobby too. Enjoy the site!

Quick information about me:

Official profiles include LinkedIn, GitHub (for data science and Python), and YouTube (research and music videos)

Research interests: 

Physics and Programming Education

I think teaching is an important mean for me to pass precious and vital knowledge from one generation to another. The devoted teaching hours allows me to explore effective ways to inspire students, given their wide diversity in personal and educational background. 

Physics (to the portal):

Programming (to the portal): 

Recent news

21/8/2023: My first NSF grant awarded for the supernova project! See the interview (?) from WKTV.

5/5/2023: After two years the first jet-driven supernova paper is born -- press release here

15/3/2023: My first single-author paper on the Python gamma-ray radiative transfer code is done, see press release

30/1/2023: My review article on Type Ia supernova article is announced on the institute webpage, which later reported it!

26/1/2023: My 6-hour Python Crash Course lecture note are now available Github! (Also visit Python course page)

22/12/2022: My rotating white dwarf article is announced on the institute webpage!

21/2/2022: New sample chapters of Lecture Note for classical mechanics available!

20/12/2021: My bookshop project and Javescript App corner page are finished!

1/7/2021: My textbook Learning Pandas from Zero is now available in multiple format!

1/3/2021: Movies available on both this website and YouTube! (my channel)

23/2/2021: Github available for many projects posted in "Programming Project"!

20/2/2021: Our Type Iax remnant project of Sagittarius A is promoted by NASA! (Link)

2/7/2020: Our PPISN announcement is further reported in AstroBite in Dutch! :-) (Link)

25/6/2020: My PPISN project is promoted  by press release! (Kavli IPMU- Link). 

Flower near campus in during pandemic