Sci Thoughts

-by Mel

About Me

Hi, I'm Mel!

I've always loved science. I was "that kid" who would always end up covered in mud or standing in the middle of a creek looking at water bugs (macroinvertebrates). Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut, a vet, an engineer... but I've always been drawn to the water. I think it comes as no surprise to those who've known me that I found my way to a career in marine science.

I'm a marine scientist (in training) at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. I study the role of small organisms known as microbes in ocean ecosystems. We use microbiology, chemistry, physics, and more to understand how microscopic life forms influence biogeochemical processes on the global scale.

About This Site


I love to share my science and my stories with anyone who will listen!

This site will be regularly updated with Marine and Earth Science based lesson plans I develop, some of my favorite "Junk Drawer Science" experiments for kids, as well as a Log Book of my research in the lab and in the field.

Letters to a Marine Scientist

For those classroom that I visit virtually, thank you for your letters and endless curiosity! I will respond to your letters and do my best to include pictures of science in action. If you have more questions, use this Google Form to submit a question. If you are an educator, you may also use the form and include contact information; I would be happy to meet with your class or work on an activity together.

The EXPORTS Project

While EXPORTS isn't the only science I do, it is a pretty cool project. Due to the interest of friends, family, and several classrooms, I (with some help) will use this site to keep a Virtual Log Book of my involvement in this month-long adventure at sea and answer some of your questions! To learn more about the EXPORTS project, click here.