Assignments & Rubrics

Turn assignments in by emailing them to Nell and Alexis (see file name formatting requirements in the syllabus) before class on the day they are due. We accommodate all students’ needs for deadline flexibility automatically up to 2 days (48 hours) from the due date without needing to give notice. Rubrics for these assignments can be found in the syllabus and in the assignment documents below.

Reading Reflection Prompts

Reading reflections

Due: weekly-ish, check syllabus

'Using' Problem Set

problem set 1: 'Using' sci-fi

Due: 2.5

'Doing' Problem Set

Problem set 2: 'Doing' Sci-fi

Due: 2.12

Show & Tell

Multimedia Show & Tell

Due: 3.4

Class Workshop

Class workshop

Due: Finals week

Grading breakdown

Participation: 20%

Reflections (x5): 25% (5% each)

Problem sets (x2): 30% (15% each)

Show & tell: 5%

Final project workshop: 20%