
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome/ Opening remarks

· Welcome by NASU representative

· EaP PLUS project: general presentation (Karina Shakhbazian, NASU)

· Ukrainian Scientific Diaspora: background, nowadays, future (acad. Ya. Yatskiv, NASU)

10:30 - 11:20 Plenary session 1: Frontiers of science and innovation (New technologies for the welfare of Ukrainian society: Life Science, Novel materials, Energy etc.) (3 speakers x 20 min.)

1. Ukrainian S&T priorities and their accordance with Horizon 2020 (Marina Gorokhovatska, NASU)

2. Role of the research diaspora networks: experience of the Ukrainian Academic International Network and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society – Oksana Seumenicht, Max-Debruck Centrum fur Molecular Medicine, Germany

3. International relations of young scientists and professors of Ukraine – Sergiy Zhabin, G. M. Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, NASU

11:20 - 11:45 Networking coffee-break

11:45 - 13:15 Plenary discussion 1: Societal challenges, better reflecting Ukrainian priorities and the Diaspora’s potential. (Moderator – Oleksandr Skorokhod, Council of Young Scientists, NASU)

6 x 15 min. invited speakers

● Physics/ Material sciences, (Oleksiy Boyarsky, Leiden University, Netherlands)

● Physics/ Material sciences, (Alexander Kordyuk, Kyiv Academic University, Ukraine)

● Biomedical sciences, (Olga Garaschuuk,Tubingen University, Germany)

● Life sciences (Yanina Mischuk, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NASU, Ukraine)

● Socio-Humanities, (Oleksandra Slobodian CEDOS, Ukraine)

● Socio-Humanities, (Nataliya Rumyantseva, University of Greenwich, UK)

13:30 - 14:30 Working lunch/ Networking/

14:30 - 16:00 Plenary session 2: Best practice of getting funding: Horizon 2020 and beyond.

3x 20 min.(4x15) invited speakers + 30 min. Q&A session/discussion

1) HORIZON - 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Preparation of H2020 project proposal with useful advice. ‘Grants for networking’ in EaP PLUS project to participate in Preparatory Meetings or in Brokerage events – Adam David (RCISD, Hungary)

2) Insight into the funding scheme of the European Research Council- Denys Makarov (Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany)

3) Opportunities for Ukrainian- UK cooperation outside Horizon 2020 – Sergey Mikhalovsky (Brighton University, UK)

4) USA-Ukraine opportunities for collaboration within Horizon2020 and outside - Lyubov Ostrovska, Ph.D., President & Chief Science Officer StemCiTerra,LLC

16:00 - 16:20 Networking coffee-break

16:20 - 17:00 Plenary discussion 2: How can both mutually beneficial and efficient international collaboration/ knowledge transfer be stimulated? (diaspora versus Ukrainian researchers on most suitable forms of collaboration) (Moderator – Oksana Seumenicht, Max-Debruck Centrum fur Molecular Medicine, Germany )

17.00 – 17.15 – Conclusions, closing the Workshop