About the Project

In 2016 Ukraine joined 'STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries Plus (EaP PLUS)' project:


One of the task of this project is maintaining the targeted cooperation in EaP countries with their scientific diaspora.

Objectives of the Task are the following:

- to support a stronger interaction between researchers from EU and EaP countries;

- to support increased participation in H2020 - to exploit the Scientific Diaspora of the EaP countries in view of joint applications;

- to encourage targeted cooperation between the EaP research communities and the national Scientific Diasporas in EU to stimulate synergies among them.

Ukraine has extended diaspora in EU which regularly cultivates its scientific and cultural links with the home country.

These Ukrainian researchers often possess a scientific network in both regions, so we believe that with their dual embedment and special dedication they can serve as a bridge between the scientific communities in EU and the Ukraine.