
Science for Children DK was created in 2018 at the Biotech Research and Innovation Center, at Copenhagen University, upon the initiative of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students. Meet us here.

Andrea Asenjo Martinez, PhD student

Teresa M. Eichenlaub, PhD

Elham Jaberi, PhD

” As a scientist, I am interested in unravelling the genetic and molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Multiple sclerosis with the aim of finding new treatment targets.

When I was a kid, I was really interested to observe different objects under microscope and now I want to share my feeling with our future scientists."

Isabel Peña Rømer, PhD student

"I am a molecular and cell biologist. As a scientist my interest has been focused on getting a better understanding on the mechanisms that get disrupted in a cell during disease. I am currently working on glioma (brain cancer) and acute myeloid leukaemia.

What sparked my interest in science was a very engaged genetics teacher who taught us how to handle a microscope. Now, I want inspire the next generation."

Maria Rafaeva, PhD student

"I am a cell biologist. During my PhD at BRIC, I study how changes in the extracellular matrix proteins affect cancer cells behaviour and disease progression.

I enjoy explaining human biology and helping kids to get a first touch of a real experiment."

Louise Munk Rasmussen, PhD student

”Already from a young age, I remember being intrigued by biology, and I am still fascinated by and curious about how the cells of our bodies are working.

Now, as a scientist in immunology, I use my genuine curiosity to investigate the molecular details of our immune cells and how they are impacted in different diseases.

I love to share my passion for cell biology with the kids and to see them learn and explore.”

Emilie Tresse-Gommeaux, PhD


"In the past 15 years, I have been investigating neurodegenerative diseases, trying to understand why neurons become sick upon ageing.

I always found that scientific experiments are the funniest of games and wish to pass on the taste of them to youngest generations"

Navneet A. Vasistha, PhD