Be A Volunteer

Volunteer Coordinator: Melissa Lohr  

Get involved because what you do will truly make a difference. 

Step 1Read over the Mandated Reporter Training and then complete the Checkmate Volunteer Application. 

Click here to go to Sandy Creek's Volunteer Information Page and read about why it is important that you complete these two steps before volunteering in our school .

Click here to read the Mandated Reporter Training Presentation.

Then complete the Checkmate Volunteer Application here

Step 2:  Scroll down to browse through the different types of volunteer tasks we have available, to find something that interests you.

Step 3: Go to the Sign Up Genius or email the point of contact for the activity.

Make it official, click on the Sign Up Genius that interests you so that we know to expect you. 

Front Office Volunteer Opportunities by month:

Some of the things you might do during your time volunteering in the front office are answering the front door buzzer, and being the first point of contact with students or adults who enter the front office. The main purpose of volunteering in the front office is to free up the office staff so they can answer the phones and/or handle things that as a volunteer you cannot do. You never know what a day will be like, some days are slow and you will stand there, other days or shifts you will be constantly answering the front door and helping with random things. You are an appreciated extra set of hands that may or may not busy. 

Miscellaneous Volunteer Opportunities:

Throughout the school year our PTSO needs assistance from families. This past year we helped put together over 1200 "Survivor Kits" for students in advance of end of year finals, created "Mystery Bags" of goodies for teachers and staff during staff appreciation, served ice cream to honor roll students and more. When these activities get put on our calendar we will advertise the opportunities here and send out emails to our PTSO members to sign up. 

Step 4: Go to the school on your signed up day and be awesome.

Don't forget to bring your driver's license to check-in and make sure you check-in as a "volunteer", not a guest.