How You Can Help

Membership, sponsorship, donations, & passive fundraising; so many ways to help us support our school. 


The PTSO supports all our students, teachers and staff, we are the "booster club" of the whole school. By becoming a member you help to support educational programming, teacher mini-grants, college scholarships and more. Please consider joining today.  


Through your generous donations, the SCHS PTSO will continue to support teacher instructional grants, character education, college scholarships, and special projects at the school.  In addition, we will host teacher appreciation events and campus improvements, which is crucial to providing a conducive environment to learn and work. 

Donations (financial or in-kind items or services)

Whether you can make a financial donation, food items, giveaways or supplies, any support you can provide will make a difference in the learning experience of our students.  Please contact us at

Passive Fundraising

Passive fundraising is the easiest way to earn money for the PTSO. All you have to do is sign up with a company you already shop with and they donate a percentage of that money back to us. 

Listed as Sandy Creek High School PTSO.

The PTSO isn't set up, however you can set your donations to go to Sandy Creek High School.