Timing of breeding
Birds time their egg laying such that there is enough food available for their offspring when they need it most. However, to do that they need to be able to make an estimated guess about what the future brings: As an example, in blue tits, egg laying takes about 2 weeks, incubation as well, and the chicks have their highest nutritional needs at about 7-12 days of age. So a female needs to time their egg laying about 5 weeks before the environmental conditions are right. What cues do they use? What influence does climate change have on this? How phenotypically flexible are females?
We use quantitative genetic methoes to answer these questions.
Oak phenology
Oak trees provide food to herbivore insects, which in turn are prey to blue tits. This food chain is important because the bud burst of oaks is reliant on weather and climate, while blue tits likely use other cues for their timing of breeding. We use a long-term, detailed database of oak tree phenology to study the phenology of budburst.
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