Field work is the most enjoyable part of my job! From spring snowmelt to winter snow fall the Schriever lab is out exploring the every changing phases of wetlands.

Research on the Kalamazoo River looking at restoration and dam removal influences on river food web, fish diet and riparian communities. We have had impressive undergraduate students Jordan, Savanah, Amber, Keeton, Brisa, Ben, and Mary working with us! Thank you!

Sara Diller presenting at the ESA Great Lakes regional conference

Interdunal wetland with insect emergence traps

Gray treefrog metamorph

interdunal wetland complex

Green Darner Dragonfly

wetland solace

What did you find?

Hognose snake death feigning

Nice ride!

Collecting dragonfly nymphs

Floodplain wetland

Blue dasher on cattail