Tyler C. Schipper

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of St. Thomas. My primary fields are economic growth and development, macroeconomics, and forecasting. My research focuses on the role of informal firms in determining aggregate outcomes in developing countries and the importance of data revisions in forecasting.

I was born and raised in the Heartland: Central Iowa. I received my bachelor's degree from Central College and my doctorate from the University of Oregon.

You can find my C.V. here.

Selected Research

Strict Duality and Overlapping Productivity Distributions between Formal and Informal Firms

Informality, Innovation, and Aggregate Productivity Growth

Forecasting GDP Growth using Disaggregated GDP Revisions

Contact Information

Email: schi0195@stthomas.edu

Phone: (651) 962-5690 (office)

Office: O'Shaughnessy Educational Center (OEC) 402