
Agenda and Meeting Room Links

議程 Agenda




For the purpose of securing the schedule on time, please check that your screen can be shared in full screen. The guideline is here.

Track 1.pdf
Track 2.pdf
Track 3.pdf

重要會議須知 Important Notices


1. 大會開/閉幕主會議室之Google Meet IDmeet.google.com/opy-thwh-hjn

請點選 "立即加入" 進入本次第26屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議之開/閉幕典禮主會議室。

2. 研討會各平行議程(場次AG)之論文會議室均有專屬之不同會議室編號,


3. 本屆研討會僅提供大會手冊電子檔,不另寄發實體手冊。大會手冊請於此下載

4. 本次會議軟體採用 Google Meet,若您使用個人電腦參與會議,建議下載與安裝Chrome瀏覽器進行連線,

若您使用行動裝置則請下載Google Meet App,並請盡早熟悉線上會議軟體操作,並確認操作沒有問題。

5. 請於進入會議室時,請輸入大會規定之名稱格式:校名(或公司名)_姓名 (例如:中央大學_王小明)

更改名稱方式請參考「Google Meet操作教學」。

6. 進入會議室前請使用大會提供之背板圖更換您的Google Meet背景(請注意,僅有Chrome瀏覽器可以支援背板圖更換)




7. 進入會議室後請關閉麥克風(至您簡報時再開啟),並請盡量開啟攝影機。

8. 由於Google Meet設有人數上限,當主會議室額滿時,請連結至YouTube觀看開/閉幕直播,連結在此


1. 各場次會議室內均安排一位大會後台工作人員,若於會議室內有任何操作上的問題,可直接詢問工作人員。

2. 每篇論文發表時間約8分鐘,答詢2分鐘。

3. 簡報檔案請以Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97以上版本製作,於發表時自行分享畫面(螢幕分享指南)

4. 會議期間各場次主持人及發表人,請於場次開始前5分鐘進入該場次會議室做最後確認。

5. 發表人請遵守規定之時間,並請主持人注意時間之控制。如必要時,經主持人同意,可酌予延長報告時間,或調整報告順序。

6. 會議期間請全程參與,避免中途離席。

7. 若有問題,可先留言在該會議室的聊天視窗,在Q&A時間將由主持人宣讀,若有需要直接對談發言,請使用舉手功能,


8. 為尊重智慧財產權,研討會全程禁止錄音、錄影、直播等。

9. 每場會議結束前,請發表人與主持人開啟攝影機合照留念。

10. 大會將挑選出傑出論文數名,在閉幕典禮(17:0017:30)上進行唱名頒獎,請所有發表人於閉幕典禮能一同上線參與。


Conference Notices

1. The Google Meet ID for the main opening and closing ceremony meeting room is meet.google.com/opy-thwh-hjn

Click "Enter the room" to participate in the main ceremony room of the 26th symposium on construction engineering and

management / international conference.

2. Each parallel session (session A to G) has a designated meeting room. Please use the links above to enter a specific session meeting.

3. The conference only provides the electronic file of the symposium handbook (download here), and does not physical handbook.

We appreciate your understanding on the matter.

4. Please familiarize yourself with the online meeting software, Google Meet, and make sure there is no problem with the operation.

If you use your personal computer to access the online conference, Chrome browser is recommended; if you use mobile devices to access the

conference, please download and install Google Meet App.

5. When joining the meeting room, please use the following name format: “school name (or company name)_your full name”

(e.g., NCU_Tom Cruise). Please refer to “Google Meet Operation Guidelines” for instructions.

6. Please change your Google Meet background to the conference background photo. (Please be noted that only Chrome browser supports background photo change)

Backboard 1 (for presenters and students): Download

Backboard 2 (for guests and teachers): Download

7. After entering the meeting room, please make sure your microphone is turned off and keep your camera turned on.

8. If the main meeting room for opening and closing ceremony reaches its maximum capacity of allowed participants, please access the Youtube channel of NCU CEM for watching the ceremony streaming.

Session Notice

1. We will have staff in each conference session room. If you have any questions about the Google Meet operation, please kindly ask our staff for assistance.

2. Each presenter has 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A.

3. Please use Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97 or above to make your presentation files and share your screen when presenting

(Again, please familiarize yourself with the procedure beforehand).The guide is here.

4. Each session’s host/co-host and presenters should enter the conference room 5 minutes before the start of the session for final confirmation.

5. Presenters should follow the time limit, and the host/co-host shall control presentation time. If necessary, with the consent of the host, the

presentation time may be extended, or the order of presentations may be adjusted.

6. Please stay in the meeting room throughout the whole session, and avoid leaving the meeting in the middle of the session.

7. If you have any questions for presentations during the session, you can leave a message in the chat box of the meeting room, and the host/co-

host will read it out during the Q&A. If you need to speak out directly during the Q&A, please use the hand-raising function and turn on

your microphone after the host calls your name.

8. In respect of intellectual property rights, the recording of audio, video, and live streaming are prohibited throughout the conference and sessions.

9. Before the end of each session, presenters are invited to turn on their cameras to take a group photo with the host/co-host.

10. Outstanding papers will be selected and announced and their authors will be called at the closing ceremony (5:00 pm ~5:30 pm). Therefore,

all presenters are invited to participate in the closing ceremony. The electronic certificate of paper awards will be sent to the award winners

after the conference.