

相關日期 Important Dates

2022/5/1 開始報名繳費

2022/7/1 線上報名及繳費截止日

2022/5/1 Registration and payment begins

2022/7/1 Online registration and payments due

報名與繳費資訊 Registration and Payment Information


  • 每篇投稿論文應由一位作者進行報名與繳費,在您的論文通過審查後,始可收錄於研討會論文集。

  • 報名費用如下表所示,費用包括大會活動手冊電子檔與發表證明

    1. 一般論文(中文或英文)投稿每篇新台幣900元,國際研討會論文投稿每篇新台幣2,500論文類型說明請見「論文投稿」)若同一作者發表2篇以上論文,報名費用為各該類別論文費用之總和例如若2篇皆為一般論文投稿,報名費用即為新台幣1,800;若2篇一般論文、1篇為國際研討會論文,費用即為新台幣4,300元),且僅須報名及繳費1次即可

    2. 需公務員或技師認證時數/積分之一般論文投稿者或參與者,報名費用為新台幣1,800元。

  • 請參考下方繳費步驟」說明,完成繳費、掃描與填表等三步驟,始完成報名程序

  • 繳費若有任何問題,請於上班時間電洽彭小姐(03-4227151 #34048)或來信電子信箱NCU.SCEM2022@gmail.com詢問

  • 報名表填寫若有任何問題,請來信至大會電子信箱NCU.SCEM2022@gmail.com詢問。

  • 備註 :

    1. 若論文審核未通過者,本單位將辦理退費手續。

    2. 請務必確認是否有開立統編之需求( 若有此需求,請務必填寫報名表單中「統一編號」、單位及公司全稱 )

Registration Information

  • Each paper's registration and payment must be submitted by one author, and your paper will be included in the conference proceedings only after it passes the review.

  • The registration fee is shown in the table below and will cover the electronic conference program booklet and certificate of presentation or attendance.

    1. The registration fee for general submission is NT$900 per paper whereas that for international conference submission is NT$2,500 (please refer to "Submission" page for explanation of different submission types). If an author publishes 2 papers or more, the total registration fee is the sum of the fees of each paper submission type (e.g., if an author publishes 2 papers of general submission, the total registration fee is NT$1,800; if an author publishes 2 papers, one of general submission and the other of international conference submission, the total registration fee is NT$3,400) and the author just needs to register and pay once.

    2. The registration fee for general submission or attendance requiring credit hours for civil servant or professional engineers is NT$1,800.

  • Please refer to the "Payment Steps" instruction below to complete the 3 steps of paying registration fee, scanning payment receipt, and filling out a registration form. Your registration will not be finished until the 3 steps are completed.

  • If you have any question about payment, please contact Ms. Peng (03-4227151#34034) during the office hour or send an email to NCU.SCEM2022@gmail.com.

  • If you have any question about filling out the registration form, please send an email to NCU.SCEM2022@gmail.com.

  • Notes:

    1. If your submission doesn't pass the paper review, the payment will be refunded.

    2. If you need a Government Uniform Invoice number for registration fee reimbursement, please provide it in the registration form.


步驟1. 繳費

  • 請參考下方附件「繳費系統操作流程」說明,至「中央大學繳費報名系統」完成繳費作業;可接受繳費方式包括「ATM轉帳」 、「網路匯款」、「銀行匯款」、「超商匯款」 進行繳費。

  • 請依上述「報名資訊」計算應繳費之費用(如每篇一般論文為新台幣 900 元;同一作者發表兩篇一般論文金額為新台幣1,800)。

步驟2. 掃描繳費單據

  • 保留您的轉帳或匯款單據,掃描或手機翻拍成圖檔(jpg/png/bmp),步驟 3 填寫報名表時需上傳這個檔案。

  • 記下您的匯款帳號後五碼,步驟 3 填寫報名表時會需要提供此項資訊。

步驟3. 填寫報名表

  • 請先完成「繳費」與「繳款繳費單據」等兩步驟後,再填寫報名表單。

  • 請至下方連結完成報名表填寫,填答完成後,將會收到一封通知信,可檢視您的報名資訊是否正確


  • 主辦單位會以所提供之「電子郵件地址」 進行資料追蹤及更新,故請勿以相同的電子郵件地址重覆報名。

  • 若同一作者有多篇論文,請使用一個電子郵件地址填寫報名表一次即可,但須註記多個論文編號(以逗號隔開)。

  • 若需更新填答內容,請點選通知信上方「編輯作答內容」連結進行修改,最後修改期限以網站公告日期為準。

Payment Steps

Step 1. Pay registration fee

  • Please refer to the "Payment Guide" below to make your payment at the "National Central University - Payment Registration System". Accepted payment methods include ATM transfer, wire transfer, bank transfer, or convenient store payment.

  • Please calculate your total payable amount of the registration fee according to the instruction in "Registration Information" above.

Step 2. Scan payment receipt

  • Well keep the payment receipt and scan or screenshot it into a jpg/ png/ bmp file, which is required in Step 3.

  • Write down the last five digits of your remittance account number, which is required as well in Step 3.

Step 3. Fill out a registration form

  • Make sure you have already completed the first 2 steps.

  • Go to the link below to fill out a registration form. A notification mail with registration information will be sent to you after you are done with the form; check whether the registration information is correct.


  • The symposium organizer will use the "email address" provided in the form to track and update data; therefore, do not use the same email address to do multi-registration.

  • If an author publishes multiple papers, please only fill out a registration form once with an email address and provide the paper numbers at the end of the form, such as 1, 2, 3.

  • If you need to update the registration information in the form, click the link in the notification mail to do modification. Please be noted that the deadline for final modification will be announced on this website.


繳費系統操作流程 Payment Guide