Food Lab
Food Lab Overview
The Food Lab is all about letting children make their own easy food snacks which will help them to understand and remember about Jesus. Our station leader Minnie will show you some foods you can use to illustrate each key point.
The script has been added for your convenience. You do not have to follow it, but it is a good guideline on how to start.
Day 1
Day 1 is about how: "Be Thankful"
In the food lab, we look at making the happy face of the leper who was healed. This encourages children to be happy and thankful.
Rice cake (Or a round biscuit)
Chocolate chip (or a round food for the eye)
Sultana (for the nose)
Cashew nut (for the mouth)
Other materials:
Hi! Welcome to the first session of our VBS. My name is _(Minnie Feng)_, and I'm in charge of the food station. Alright so we will have 4 days with different snacks for all the bible stories.
Now for Day 1, today's bible key point is: Be Thankful (AHA).
This story is about the 10 lepers from Luke chapter 17 verse 11-19. It talks about the lepers who are forced to be away from their friends and family. Nobody likes them. When somoene gets leprosy, they may feel sad. But you know what Jesus does? He healed them and made everybody feel happy.
Do you know how many lepers he healed? (counts to 10). 10 lepers he healed! And 10 lepers happy again. Now do you know how many came back to Jesus to be thankful? (AHA) Just one. Not that great right? But at least one came back to Jesus, and said thank you Jesus!
So remember to always be thankful when someone do good things for us. Now, here is a very simple snack.
Here are our ingredients for the happy face:
- rice cake, chips, (cashew) nuts, margarine, and sultanas.
Now I can show you how this works.
Take a rice cake, put some margarine on, make it nice and thick. Here
Now put 2 chips here for eyes, and one sultana. Your nut goes here. Make a smile.
Do you remember? He was sad but Jesus made him happy!
You can be happy with Jesus' help.
Thank you!
Alternative Script:
Day 2
Day 2 is about: "Help Others"
In the food lab, we look at making mud which Jesus used to heal the blind man's eyes. This reminds children to help others as Jesus helped them.
Grass Jelly
various cereal (we used rice bubble and corn flakes)
Sultanas (or other fruit/dried fruit)
Other materials:
Hi Everyone and welcome to the food station. Do you remember the bible verse for today? Help others (AHA)
Do you know John chapter 29 verse 1-39. It talks about Jesus helping the blind man.
Do you know what used to heal the blind man? He used the mud.
But some people people question him. "How can you help people on the Sabbath?" "Why aren't you going to church?" They questioned about Jesus.
Jesus said :I help anyone who needs help. Even on the sabbath, we can still help people who need help.
Today we will make this mud (show your bowl). We need some Grass Jelly. We will put some grass jelly into the bowl. Black, just like the mud Jesus used to heal the blind man. Now some rice bubble cereal, some cornflakes.
And some sultanas.
And you can enjoy this. It's healthy and yummy, and you can use this for your breakfast as well.
Thank you!
Alternative Script:
Day 3
Day 3 is about: "Be Brave
In the food lab, we look at making juice with fruit which reminds children of the story of Peter walking on water. This encourages children to be brave and have the courage to try new things, and trust God.
Fruit juice
Cut fruit
Other materials:
Hi everyone, welcome to day 3, and our station, food lab. Do you remember our bible verse? Today's bible point is to "Be Brave!" (AHA)
Today's story is from Matthew chapter 14 verse 23.
It talks about Peter walking on the stormy waters. He's so scared, he says: "Jesus, Help me! Help me!". Jesus said "come to me." So Peter is walking on the water. It sprays him, the wind is strong. He needs to pray to come to Jesus.
But he's not afraid because Jesus reached out to him and pulled him out of the water. So that's what the story's about.
Today we will making something to remind us about the floating.
So we will use some juice, you can use any juice. Pour the juice into a cup. And here's some sparkling water. Put in some. Now add some fruit. I've cut them up into small pieces. Some apple and oranges, but you can use any other fruit to make it more tasty.
Thank you!
Alternative Script:
Day 4
Day 4 is about: "Live Forever"
In the food lab, we look at making a cross to remind us of how Jesus died for us so we can live forever. This reminds children to remember the source of salvation and the promise that we can live forever if we believe in God.
Layered Chocolate Waffle
Sprinkles/Hundred & Thousands
Other materials:
Knife (for leader's use only)
I can't believe it! It's the last day of the VBS!
So today we learn about "Live forever". It's a story from Luke 23:26-34. In this story, Jesus died on the cross.
Actually in that time, the time Jesus died on the cross there were two criminals, one who repented.
And at the time one of them asked. This man has not sinned, why does he have to die with us?
Jesus has the power to die for our sins
Yes because Jesus died for us, we can live forever.
Today we will make the cross to remind us about Jesus' sacrifice.
First, you need these waffles. I've cut this piece here so we can make a cross.Now spread some honey. Sprinkle the 100&1000s. Let's put this back. And now popcorn! My favorite.
Now we remember Jesus died on the cross because he loved us. And because he died, we can live forever.
Thank you!
Alternative Script:
Hello, my name is ________, and I am