Open-Access Catholic Articles

All articles found in the magazines/journals below are free to access and print at no cost.

The American Benedictine Review - "full text issues of The American Benedictine Review from v. 1 (1950) to v. 69 (2018)"

Catholic Social Science Review - Open Access (no login required) - "interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles and reviews in the social sciences and the humanities. The journal is published annually in September with assistance from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Online access includes Volume 1 (1996) to the present."

Chicago Studies - "provide a venue to bring some of the best thinking about theology to priests, deacons, directors of religious education, pastoral associates, chaplains, educators, and thoughtful Christians in search of ongoing intellectual formation that will positively affect their ministry and faith life."

Church, Communication and Culture - "an international Open Access journal indexed by Scopus, dedicated to deepening knowledge and understanding of the dialogue between religion, communication and culture in the public area, based on comprehensive data analysis with a theoretical framework or a relation to current events, and paying special attention to the Catholic Church.
The journal is published by the School of Church Communications at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Rome) in partnership with Routledge, Taylor & Francis (UK).

Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture - "to promote academic research inspired by a Culture of Unity, with particular attention to the thought of Chiara Lubich, and to the dialogues and initiatives of the Focolare Movement. It is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, online/open access academic journal. Claritas also seeks to facilitate critical and constructive dialogue between scholars from all research disciplines and encourages cross-disciplinary and intercultural collaboration. Claritas is an Open Access journal."

Ecce Mater Tua - "A Journal of the International Marian Association - Ecce Mater Tua comprises an international journal of Mariology dedicated to the promulgation of the “whole truth about Mary. Ecce Mater Tua provides a scholarly forum for a beauty of diversity of mariological theses and dialogue, with a particular emphasis on the doctrine of Maternal Mediation.”

Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal - "a scholarly, peer reviewed, open access, online journal focused on the development, advancement, and critique of higher education in the Jesuit tradition. We welcome submissions on the scholarship and practice of Ignatian pedagogy in any academic disciplinary or interdisciplinary context as well as how the Jesuit mission is infused in all aspects of higher education, including student life, experiential learning, and other cocurricular activities."

Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology - "is founded and sponsored by Sanata Dharma University School of Theology. It publishes scientific and critical thoughts in Asian theology with contextual and interdisciplinary approaches. The focus of this publication is to develop contextual theological discourses in dialogue with sociological, anthropological, comparative religion, religious studies, historical, cultural and psychological perspectives and takes the diversity of Asian societies and cultures as its context. The journal is open to scholars from all religious backgrounds who are undertaking serious theological works that are related to Asia.

The Journal of Catholic Education - "The Journal of Catholic Education (formerly Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice), is currently managed and edited by the University of Notre Dame and digitally hosted by Loyola Marymount University. We are an open access journal representing Catholic colleges and universities, Catholic education leaders, and scholars from a variety of disciplines who are collectively committed to contributing research and encouraging best practice in Catholic elementary, secondary, and higher education by advancing the field of Catholic educational research. The Journal of Catholic Education is a refereed, open access, online journal that promotes and disseminates scholarship about the purposes, practices, and issues in Catholic education at all levels.

Journal of Global Catholicism - "an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. Its purpose is to foster the understanding of diverse forms of lived Catholicism with attention to their significance for theoretical approaches in anthropology, history, sociology, media studies, psychology, theology, and philosophy."

Journal of Hispanic / Latino Theology - "is the preeminent, peer-reviewed journal for Latinx Christian scholarship in systematic, pastoral and practical theology, scriptures, ethics, religious history, and U.S. Latinx cultures.

Journal of Moral Theology - "an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly publication focused on Catholic moral theology. It is concerned with contemporary issues as well as our deeply rooted tradition of inquiry about the moral life."

Marian Library Studies - "a polyglot journal specializing in original research on Christ, Mary, and the Church."

Nova et Vetera - "English edition of Nova et Vetera is published quarterly and provides an international forum for theological and philosophical studies from a Thomistic perspective. Log in or create an account for free online access to Nova et Vetera articles."

Open Access Journals at Boston College - "Boston College Libraries host Open Access Journals as a way to promote and sponsor freely accessible scholarship around the world."

Pastoral Liturgy - "Pastoral Liturgy is a publication of the School of Philosophy & Theology of the University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus. Pastoral Liturgy (PL) is a resource that provides peer reviewed formation articles, reviews of books and music, and liturgical content for Sundays and Feast Days throughout the liturgical year.

Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America - "provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge."

ResearchOnline@ND - "is a digital repository administered by The University of Notre Dame Australia. Its goal is to capture and preserve the intellectual output of Notre Dame authors and researchers, and to promote intellectual inquiry, research and cross-disciplinary collaboration and open access to research and outputs.

Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics - "a refereed academic online journal published initially annually with future plans to publish semi-annually to provide a forum for the discussion of social ethics, social justice and Catholic social thought. The journal promotes ethical reflection and stimulates dialogue on a range of topics and issues of practical and international import as well as of theological and secular significance. Solidarity is a collaboration between the Institute for Ethics and Society at the University of Notre Dame Australia and the Office for Justice and Peace at the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney."

Verbum Incarnatum: An Academic Journal of Social Justice - "multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic publication that is released annually. Scholarship in this journal addresses topics relating to social justice, tracing the dynamics and restraints that impact social justice in our world."