Course details

Spray dryer is commonly used in powder product preparation in a wide range of industries including but not limited to food and beverage, pharmaceutical, food supplements, and cosmetics. Some product examples are instant milk powder, coffee, flour, washing up powder. Spray drying allows shelf-life extension and minimizes storage space as well as eases transportation. Although processing product into powder provides the advantages above, several operating parameters and factors must be considered as they influence finished product characteristics and properties. Unfortunately, the operating parameters cannot be universally applied from one product to another. Studying and investigation on how these parameters affect the quality of finished product is, therefore, important for most industries. Besides that, these parameters also influence production cost, productivity as well as customer satisfaction.

The Department of Biotechnology is fully aware of how spray drying can play crucial roles in product processing as including maintaining product quality and minimising production cost.

Who should attend this course?

This course is designed for graduate students, industrial delegates, researchers, product research and development personnel, production staff especially those are from Small and Medium Enterprises. This industry sectors include but not limited to

1. Post graduate students

2. Food and beverage

3. Pharmaceutical and cosmetics

4. Chemical

5. Waste treatment and management

Course Benefits

1. Enhance experience in pilot scale production process

2. Share knowledge and experience among experts from related fields and industries

3. Networking opportunity for research and development in production process

Course Timetable: April 1-2, 2019