
Scatter and Lodify Installation.

If you never installed a blender addon before, here are the simple steps to follow.

Steps to Follow:

  • Go in the blender preferences, either by clicking on >main header>Edit>Preferences or by changing an editor type to preferences.

  • Once in the pref editor, go in the 'Add-ons' category, and click on 'Install' to install a new addon.

  • Choose your addon file, in our case:, when confirming, Blender will simply extract the files inside the addons folder, this folder is by default located inside User/username/Appdata/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.XX/scripts/addons/ for window OS (check the blender manual to find your own OS path).
    You will have 3 new files in this location, the level of detail free script, the Scatter addon folder and the Scatter Library folder containing all presets, biomes and blends files. It will be your job to manage your custom biomes and assets inside Scatter Library if you created/installed your own biomes or presets as Scatter will never delete anything inside this folder.

  • Search and then enable Scatter.

  • Within Scatter you will need to agree with the license, then enable the Lodify addon.

  • Don't forget to save your preferences (if not automatically done).

If you have a previous version of Scatter installed:

  • Please uninstall the old version of Scatter first.

  • Note that blender may need to restart in order to reload all addon GUI correctly.

About the Scatter Library folder:

  • The Scatter Library folder contains all the modulable content of Scatter, such as the Scattering Presets, Biomes, Layers, Assets, Scattering patterns, icons, user categories. You are completely free to, for example, remove biomes that you don't like by deleting the .jpg icon and the associated .py file, or install one of your colleague custom biomes and presets. Don't forget to refresh the manager once this folder has been changed.

I don't have any .zip file, why ?

Installing External Biomes Package

Installing Biomes Packages is just like installing any .zip addons.

Steps to Follow:

  • Go in the blender preferences, either by clicking on >main header>Edit>Preferences or by changing an editor type to preferences.

  • Once in the preference editor, go in the 'Add-ons' category, and click on 'Install' to install a new addon.

  • Choose your file, click on OK.

  • Open the biome manager and hit refresh. You'll find your new biomes inside the 'Show everything' Category or inside it's own dedicated category.

  • If your Biome package loaded new custom user-categories, you will need to refresh the categories inside the Manager Prefs options.

The biomes are located in the Scatter Library/__biomes__ folder. Biome files are combinaison of python scripts, .blends, .jpg icons containing name and keywords information and sometimes textures (located in Scatter Library/__textures__. )