

Located in the tweaking panel, the toolbox sub-panel feature two functionalities.

Selected-Objects Low Origin

Relocate origins of the selected objects to the lowest possible vertex location of the mesh on a global z axis scale. (Not compatible with linked meshes).

Selected-particles Z displace

Change your selected-particles location on the Z axis following the terrain normal (handy to allow a layer of particle-leave or snow above another layer of grass for example).


Next to scattering, Displacement is one of the key feature when working with realistic terrains.

Create Terrain from Heightmap

Generate a subdivided plane with a displacement modifier using a heightmap.

Displacement modifiers tweaking & creation.

Adjust or create image or noise displacement modifiers.

Note that when using a displace based non-destructive modifier workflow for your terrain, the mask features of scatter will still analyse the geometry correctly, so no need to apply any of the displacement. It is also advised to use a subdivide modifier only active on final render to boost your viewport performances.

2D Remesh.

Adding Geometries to tricky surfaces

2D 'Knife Project' Remesher

It is always important to have a clean terrain topology. Especially for workflows that use vertex-groups for shading or scattering. But it can be really tricky to properly remesh a 2D plane in Blender. That's why we created the '2D Terrain Remesher' in "Creation">"Terrain Creation".

This operator will add geometries by using using the project knife technique from a subdivided grid projected on the Z axis.


Use hair combing tools to destructively tweak your particles.

Particle Hair Combing

The current workflow of Scatter is using hair-particles for distributing the instances, that means that hair-grooming tools can be used to tweak your particles location. Note that those grooming tools are destructive, you will break the procedural particle seeding workflow using any of these tools, so you may want to use them only for final adjustments.