
The regular registration fee is

  • 450 USD for one accepted paper for authors from all countries except of Mexico

  • 8,000 MXN for one accepted paper for authors from Mexico

  • Local students will attend the presentations free of charge.

For on-site participants who choose to participate in certain on-site activities, the cost of those activities can be added to the fee. The on-site activities will be announced later, depending on the institutional and governmental restrictions related with the pandemic emergency conditions. For information and contact please write to e-mail:

The deadline for payment of regular registration fee is extended till October 15. If there is a problem with paying by the deadline, please contact us.

The registration fee for accepted papers includes publication of one paper only in one of the Special Issues of Workshop according to the decision of the Program Committee and confirmed by authors. If one author has more than one accepted paper, you can pay for two papers by one transfer.

If you pay from abroad, please make sure that the complete fee is deposited to our account; i.e., if there is any transfer fee, please add it to your payment. Please do not forget to note the ID(s) assigned by JIFS or Easychair to papers for what you are paying for. Please send the copy of your payment proof to e-mail: