Alexander Gelbukh

Invited Speaker

Prof. Alexander Gelbukh

Research Professor of Natural Language and Text Processing Laboratory,

Center for Computing Research, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico

Keynote Talk

Linguistic Problems in Computational Linguistics

Computational linguistics constructs computational models of natural language. But how is it related to traditional linguistic problems, which a linguist would like to solve? In this talk, we discuss various linguistic problems, which find solutions in computational linguistics (or do not find). The methods can be algorithmic, traditional machine learning or deep learning. For example, for each level of language analysis, we consider various problems. At morphological level, word segmentation, grammar theory, POS tagging. At syntactic level, parsing, grammar rules. At semantic level, paraphrasis (semantic similarity), lexical relations, word sense disambiguation, dictionary analysis and construction, definition construction. At pragmatic level, truth conditions. At discourse level, anaphora resolution, authorship attribution, stylistic analysis, humor detection, joke generation, sentiment and emotion analysis, gender and age detection, hate/offensive/hope speech, medical conditions (like depression). At creative level, prediction of success of novels, poetry generation, genre detection, plot generation.

ALEXANDER GELBUKH is currently a Research Professor and the Head of the Natural Language Processing Laboratory, Center for Computing Research, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico, and an Honorary Professor with Amity University, India. He is the author or the coauthor of more than 500 publications in computational linguistics, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence, recently with a focus on sentiment analysis and opinion mining. He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He is a Founding Member of the Mexican Academy of Computing and the National Researcher of Mexico (SNI) at excellence level 3 (highest). He has been the chair or the program committee chair of over 50 international conferences. He is an editor-in-chief, an associate editor, or a member of editorial board for more than 20 international journals.