About Us

Founded in 2018, the SBU ASBMB Student Chapter is devoted to promoting the advancement of research, science education, and community outreach. Our mission is to provide networking opportunities and career development opportunities at regional and national conferences, access to research and science outreach, as well as grants and awards to facilitate these aims.

Our Mission

  • To assist in the development of strong undergraduate programs in biochemistry and molecular biology.

  • To provide undergraduate programs with access to seminar speakers and regional programs and symposia

  • To foster interactions between undergraduate educational and outreach programs both regionally and nationally.

  • To recognize outstanding educational activities in the area of biochemistry and molecular biology by individuals and by programs.

Benefits of Joining ASBMB

  • Free online journal subscriptions: Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (MCP) and the Journals of Lipid Research (JLR), ASBMB Today, and Enzymatic

  • Exclusive awards and scholarships: Undergraduate Research Awards, Outreach Support Award, Outstanding Chapter Award, 7-12 Teacher Summer Research Award and more

  • Career Resources: employment, grant and internship opportunities

Our Constitution

ASBMB Club Constitution.docx

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