2025 NHD-CA Registration Information Coming Soon
South Bay Peninsula NHD 2025
March 1, 2025
Registration open: January 21-Feb. 12
Payment Due: Feb. 24 (one check per-school)
Project Submissions: Due Feb. 21 (see registration page)
Competition Location: BISV Lower: 1500 Partridge Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (BASIS Silicon Valley Lower Campus)
nhd-ca paper contest
Registration and submission of all historical papers will follow a different format from other History Day categories. Historical papers will not compete at county contests. Instead, papers will be directly submitted to the state Historical Paper Contest.
Intent to Participate Form Due: December 20th
Let us know if you plan to submit papers. Complete the School Intent to Participate Form.
Register Students/Projects: January 17th - February 12th
Register the Historical Papers from your school. Each school may submit up to 3 papers per division. Price is $40 per paper. Once registration is open, the link to register will be found at https://www.nhdca.org/historical-paper-contest/
Upload Papers Deadline: February 12th
Upload Historical Papers from your school. Papers will be uploaded by students or teachers in the online registration system.
Top Finalists Announced: March 25
The top 12 historical papers in each division announced. These papers/students will register for the state contest and follow all NHD-CA dates and deadlines for registration and submission. Top finalist must attend the state contest in person.
Read more about the process at https://www.nhdca.org/historical-paper-contest.
NEW! - NHD Teacher of the Year Award Self-Nominations
Teachers/coaches who would like to be considered for the NHD Teacher of the Year award need to self-nominate, using this form. Deadline to nominate is January 3, 2025.
What is National History Day?
National History Day, is a year-long educational program that encourages students to explore local, state, national, and world history. After selecting a historical topic that relates to an annual theme, students conduct extensive research by using libraries, archives, museums, and oral history interviews. They analyze and interpret their findings, draw conclusions about their topics' significance in history, and create final projects that present their work. These projects can be entered into a series of competitions, from the local to the national level, where they are evaluated by historians and educators.
National History Day in california
South Bay Peninsula National History Day (SBP NHD) is a partner with National History Day - California (NHD-CA). NHD-CA sponsors the state-wide competition, provides professional development to schools and districts, and supports students in their research and project development. The NHD-CA program allows students in forth and fifth grades to create a poster or podcast and students in sixth through twelfth grades to create a documentary, exhibit, historical paper, performance, podcast, or website.