Photonic Memories in XNL
Excitonic Engineering Lab. @ SKKU
(25.01.22) New Years Gathering
XNL had a new year gathering. Let's keep up the good work! (Click for more)
(24.12.26) End-of-Year Lab Gathering
XNL had a new year gathering. Had some fish and alcohol! (Click for more)
(24.12.19) The 6th SEIST Workshop
The 6th SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology Workshop was held at Incheon, Korea (Click for more)
(24.12.11) 1211 Aftermath
XNL members had fun time with meat and alcohol after the big events :) (Click for more)
(24.12.11) SIEST AGE Meeting
Mrs. Oh presented her recent results on multi-valued logic transistors in SIEST AGE Monthly meeting. Keep up the good work! (Click for more)
(24.12.11) M.Sc. Defense
Mr. Kwon had a M.Sc. defense for his research on photophysics of single crystals. Thanks for the hard work and congratuations! (Click for more)
(24.12.03) B-Day
Mr. Kim's (Dec. 3rd) and Mr. Kwon's (Dec. 11th) birthdays praise! (Click for more)
김민성, 권현민 학생의 생일을 축하합니다:)
(24.11.29) The 35th ISChE @ Okinawa
Mr. Barma, Mr. Son, Mr. Kim presented their research in the 35th International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISChE) held in Okinawa, Japan!
(Click for more)
(24.11.20) Femtolab Set-up 1st
Finally, very large optical tables and a clean booth re installed for the femtosecond laser facility!
(Click for more)
(24.11.15) BK21 Scholarship
Mr. Kwon awarded BK21 ChEllengers Scholarship for Research Excellence. Congrats! (Click for more)
(24.11.14) B-Day
Mr. Kim's (Nov. 16th) and Mr. Son's (Nov. 14th) birthdays praise! (Click for more)
김진현, 손민균 학생의 생일을 축하합니다:)
(24.10.29) 5th PIRCC & Master Class
SIEST distinguished professors visited SKKU and had a master class giving tutelage to growing students. Mr. Kwon presented his research. (Click for more)
(24.09.30) PSK 2024 Fall Meeting
Mr. SVBarma, Mr. HMKwon, Mr. MKSon, Ms. HBOh presented their research in Graduate Student Oral Sessions and Poster Sessions in Polymer Society of Korea 2024 Fall Meeting! (Click for more)
(24.06.12) SIEST AGE Meeting
Mr. Sunil Barma presented his recent results on the dark excitonic photocatalyst in SIEST AGE Monthly meeting. Keep up the good work man. (Click for more)
(24.06.05) M.Sc. Defense
Mr. Kim had a M.Sc. defense for his research on photonic logic sensors. Thanks for the hard work and congratuations! (Click for more)
(24.05.23) Photolithography Installed
With courtesy of Prof. Phang, we have a mask aligner and yellow room for photolithography! (Click for more)
(24.05.08) KSIEC 2024 Spring Meeting
XNL Members (Ms. HBOh, Mr. MKSon) have attended Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) 2024 Spring Meeting held in Busan, Korea (Click for more)
(24.04.24) KCS 2024 Spring Meeting
XNL Members (Mr. MSKim, Mr. HMKwon, Mr. MKSon) have attended Korean Chemistry Society (KCS) 2024 Spring Meeting held in Suwon, Korea (Click for more)
(24.04.03) PSK 2024 Spring Meeting
Mr. SVBarma, JHKim, HMKwon presented their research in Graduate Student Oral Sessions in Polymer Society of Korea 2024 Spring Meeting! (Click for more)
(24.01.22) The 3rd SIEST Forum
SIEST distinguished professors all over the world visited SKKU and had a research conference
(24.01.19) New Years Gathering
XNL had a new year gathering. Had some pasta and played bowling! (Click for more)
(23.12.27) The 4th SEIST Workshop
The 4th SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology Workshop was held at Gyeongju, Korea
(23.12.05) Editor of Joule visited SIEST
The scientific editor Andrew Wadsworth of a prestigeous energy journal, Joule, has visited SIEST, and had fruitful discussions.
(23.12.02) ISChE Conference
Mr. HM Kwon presented his research on single crystals at the 34th ISChE. (Click for more)
(23.12.02) ISChE Conference
Mr. JH Kim presented his research on photonic sensors at the 34th ISChE. (Click for more)
(23.11.20) TRES Installed
A new equipment has arrived, which transient photo- & electroluminescence in UV-SWIR range, nanosecond scale, cryo-temperature (Click for more)
(23.11.17) PSK Instrument Seminar
Mr. Son, Mr. Kwon and Ms. Oh attended Instrumental Analysis Seminar of PSK held at KRICT (Click for more)
(23.11.16) HUST-SKKU Symposium
Prof. Jo, Mr. Kim (1,2) and Mr. Barma have attended 8th HUST-SKKU Symposium. Mr. Barma presented his research on photocatalyst.
(23.11.09) KSIEC 2023 Fall Meeting
XNL members attended Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) 2023 Fall Meeting and enjoyed Gwangju style! (Click for more)
(23.11.09) KSIEC 2023 Fall Meeting
Mr. JHKim presented his research on image sensors at KSIEC 2023 Fall Meeting! (Click for more)
(23.11.09) KSIEC 2023 Fall Meeting
Mr. SVBarma presented his research on photocatalyst at KSIEC 2023 Fall Meeting! (Click for more)
(23.11.02) Afternoon discussions..
The day before lab meeting. One by one students join the discussion. Guys are eager to learn! (Click for more)
(23.10.25) TRES under Construction
Time-resolved Emission Spectroscopy is under construction!
(23.10.20) Lab Meeting Afterwards..
After a long hours of lab meeting, we went out to eat. Full belly full heart! Lots of italian! (Click for more)
(23.10.12) PSK 2023 Fall Meeting
XNL members attended Polymer Society of Korea 2023 Fall Meeting and enjoyed Jeju style! (Click for more)
(23.10.12) PSK 2023 Fall Meeting
Mr. JHKim presented his research on vertical image sensors at PSK 2023 Fall Meeting! (Click for more)
(23.10.12) PSK 2023 Fall Meeting
Mr. Barma presented his research on photocatalyst at PSK 2023 Fall Meeting! (Click for more)
(23.10.05) Y3L Sports Gathering
Prof. Wooseok Yang, Prof. Sooyeon Cho, and Prof. Sae Byeok Jo's lab members all gathered together to have a quanterly sports event-Futsal-and had fun with chicken and beer! (Click for more)
(23.09.20) Prof. Chen visited SKKU
SIEST distinguished professor Prof. Jun Chen @ UCLA visited SKKU for conference meetings!
(23.09.12) SKKU Job Fair
XNL students attended SKKU Job Fair and had a good time :) Mr. Son, Mr. Kwon, Ms. Oh & Mr. Kim
(23.09.05) Prof. Yuan visited SKKU
Prof. Jianyu Yuan from Soochow University visited SKKU to give a seminar on perovskite QDs, upon invitation from Prof. Ko of Chemistry, SKKU.
(23.08.24) The 3rd SEIST Workshop
The 3rd SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology Workshop was held at Gangneung, Korea
(23.07.15) Evening discussions
Another regular evening with Jablonski diagrams on the big board.
(23.06.14) SIEST NMSTE Meeting
Mr. J.H. Kim presented his recent results on the vertical photonic logic sensors in SIEST NMSTE Monthly meeting. Keep up the good work man.
(23.06.08) Probe Station
A new equipment has arrived, which measures electrical properties of transistors, neuromorphioc devices and sensors (Click for more)
(23.04.20) KIChE 2023 Spring Meeting
Prof. Jo, Mr. J.H.Kim, Mr. H.M.Kwon & Mr. S.V.Barma attended KIChE. A lot of inspired and inspiring works we saw! We are up NEXT! (Click for more)
(23.04.14) Lab Meeting Afterwards..
After a long hours of lab meeting, we went out to eat. Full belly full hear! Lots of Sushi!
(23.04.07) PSK 2023 Spring Meeting
Prof. Jo, Mr. J.H.Kim, Mr. H.M.Kwon & Mr. S.V.Barma attended PSK conference
(23.02.21) Prof. Kim visited XNL
Prof. Min Kim @ JBNU, together with Prof. Kang @ SKKU have visited XNL, and had various discussions
(23.02.13) Prof. Yim visited XNL
Prof. Changyoung Yim @ KNU has visited XNL, and had various discussions
(23.02.10) Winter Overhaul
It's been a year since the beginning. The lab is now filled with talented and enthusiastic young students pursing to become independent researchers. Let's keep up the good work!
(23.02.08) The 2nd SIEST Forum
SIEST distinguished professors all over the world visited SKKU and had a research conference
(22.12.27) Cryo-NIR-PL
Mr. H. Kwon is doing the first trial of low-temperature emission experiment!
(22.12.18) The 2nd SEIST Workshop
The 2nd SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology Workshop was held at Yeosu, Korea
(22.12.15) Unboxing is always fun
A new equipment has arrived, which covers UV-NIR range of emissions with low-temperature capability
(2022.12.13) XNL Members
At the end of the semester, XNL members including graduates and undergraduates had a dinner party
(22.10.06) PSK 2022 Fall Meeting
Prof. Jo and Mr. J.H.Kim attended the Polymer Society of Korea conferece held at Daejeon
(22.09.02) XNL Starts Running!
Basic solution processing setups are now up in running. One single step for greater goods
(22.08.23) The 1st SEIST Workshop
The first SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology workshop was held at Busan, Korea
(22.07.20) KNU Seminar
Prof. Changyoung Yim @ KNU invited Prof. Jo for the graduate seminar
(22.05.27) PNU Seminar
Prof. Jaegeun Lee @ PNU invited Prof. Jo for the graduate seminar
(22.04.22) PSK 2022 Spring Meeting
Prof. Jo had a invited talk at Young Researcher Session of Polymer Society of Korea conference held at Jeju
(22.04.19) HUST-SKKU Symposium
Prof. Jo gave a plenary talk at a joint conference with Huazhong U. of Sci. Tech, China
(22.03.21) XNL Open!
The history of Excitonic Engineering Lab (XNL) has begun!
(22.02.21) Rennovation complete
It's time to give it a name and fill it up!
(22.02.13) Lab under construction
A new lab setup is being built. Complete renovation is on the way
(22.02.17) Prof. Jo joined SKKU!
Prof. Jo and two other young professors started to work at CHEME@SKKU