Selected Publications

Excitonic Engineering Lab. @ SKKU

Publication Stats

Featured as Cover Articles

S. B. Jo et al.,  Advanced Science 2021, Inside Front Cover 

M. Kim et al., Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, Front Cover

H. Lee et al., ChemSusChem. 2016, Back Cover

S. B. Jo & J. Lee et al., Advanced Materials, 2014, Inside Front Cover

S. B. Jo & H. Bong et al., Nanoscale, 2015,  Inside Front Cover

J. Lee et al., Advanced Energy Materials, 2014, Back Cover

S. B. Jo et al., Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, Inside Front Cover

M. Kim et al., Advanced Energy Materials 2014, Front Cover

Representative Publications

"Dilution Effect for Highly Efficient Multiple-Component Organic Solar Cells"# 

"A General Fruit Acid Chelation Route for Eco-friendly and Ambient 3D Printing of Metals#

"Comb-type polymer-hybridized MXene nanosheets dispersible in arbitrary polar, nonpolar, and ionic solvents"# 

"Cold-Trap-Mediated Broad Dynamic Photodetection in Graphene-Organic Hybrid Photonic Barristors"#

"Long-lived, Non-geminate, Radiative Recombination of Photogenerated Charges in a Polymer:Small-Molecule Acceptor Photovoltaic Blend"#

"Approaching Theoretical Limits in the Performance of Printed p-type CuI Transistors via Room Temperature Vacancy Engineering"#

"Monolithic Tandem Vertical Electrochemical Transistors for Printed Multi-valued Logic" # 

"The Molecular Ordering and Double-Channel Carrier Generation of Nonfullerene Photovoltaics within Multi-Length-Scale Morphology"# 

"Monolithic Tandem Multicolor Image Sensor Based on Electrochromic Color-Radix Demultiplexing"#

"Multi-State Heterojunction Transistors based on Field-Effect Tunneling–Transport Transitions"#

"Over 12% Efficiency Non-fullerene All-Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells with Sequentially Evolved Multilength Scale Morphologies"#

“Donor-Acceptor Alternating Copolymer Nanowires for Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells”# 

“Single-Gate Bandgap Opening of Bilayer Graphene by Dual Molecular Doping”#

“Molecular Design Motifs of Non-fullerene Acceptors for Mitigating All Inherent Non-Ideal Energy Losses in Organic Photovoltaics”#

“Carrier-Selectivity-Dependent Charge Recombination Dynamics of Organic Photovoltaic Cells with a Ferroelectric Blend Interlayer”#

“High Performance Organic Photovoltaic Cells Using Polymer-Hybridized ZnO Nanocrystals as a Cathode Interlayer”#

"High-Speed Operation of Electrochemical Logic Circuits Depending on 3D Construction of Transistor Architectures"#

"3D-Meniscus-Guided Evaporative Assembly for Rapid Template-Free Synthesis of Highly Crystalline Perovskite Nanowire Arrays"#

"Gate-Deterministic Remote Doping Enables Highly Retentive Graphene-MXene Hybrid Memory Devices on Plastic"# 

"Recent Advances on Multi-valued Logic Gates: A Materials Perspective"#

"Percolation-Limited Dual Charge Transport in Vertical p-n Heterojunction Schottky Barrier Transistors"# 

"Atomically Thin Epitaxial Template for Organic Crystal Growth Using Wettability Controlled Graphene”#

"Boosting Photon Harvesting in Organic Solar Cells with Highly-Oriented Molecular Crystals via Graphene-Organic Heterointerface”#