Integrated Basic Education

Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED)

Primary School: Nursery, Kinder, Grade 1 - 3

Middle School: Grade 4 - Grade 8

      (Academic Track) High School: Grade 9 - Grade 12


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

The STEM strand trains the students who are inclined to take courses related to Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Information,  Communication and Technology. It provides laboratory work for future engineers, scientists, IT experts, doctors, and other health professionals.  

Humanities and Social Sciences

The HumSS strand prepares students who are interested to pursue courses in the Liberal Arts, Education, Mass Communication, Psychology, and other Social Sciences. Students in this strand will participate in a culminating activity which is either a presentation of a social research project or a creative project using media platform. 

Accountancy, Business, and Management 

The ABM strand prepares the students who are interested collegiate courses in Accountancy, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. Students will undertake a business simulation project and work in will be exposed in a business environment before graduating. 

General Academic Strand

The GAS is a unique strand for students who want to be exposed to the diversity of human endeavors and life affirming experiences. This strand sets the students for a choice of course that may be available in any of the three other strands.