Employment History

Details about the employment history:

Organization Name: Onudevs Limited

Designation: Junior Software Engineer

Timeline: July 2021 - October 2021

Location: 49, North Road, New Market, Kalabagan, Dhaka, 1205

Projects Name: Neobox

Purpose: Product Selling E-Commerce Platform

Role: Backend focused Full-Stack Role

Technology we used here: Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Spree Engine.

Projects Name: Books of Bengal (Continuing Previous one)

Purpose: Book Selling E-Commerce Platform

Role: Play Full-Stack Role in this project

Technology we used here: Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Spree Template Engine

Organization Name: Onudevs Limited

Designation: Full Stack Developer (Intern)

Timeline:  April 2021 - June 2021

Location: 49, North Road, New Market, Kalabagan, Dhaka, 1205

Projects Name: Books of Bengal

Purpose: Book Selling E-Commerce Platform

Role: Play Full-Stack Role in this project

Technology we used here: Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Spree Template Engine

Projects Name: Shebok 

Purpose: Health-Care related information retrival platform

Role: Play Frontend Role in this project

Technology we used here: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, 

Organization Name: Paykhom Limited

Designation: Internship (Frontend Developer)

Timeline:  January 2021 - March 2021

Location: Khulshi, Chattogram-4202

Projects Name: Paykhom E-Commerce Platform

Purpose: E-Commerce Platform for their own startup

Role: Frontend Developer, @R&D Team of Paykhom Limited 

Technology we used here: